The perfect add-on for any
statistiXL is a powerful data
DataFit is a tool for
Scientific Advantage™ is a
spreadsheet. Clarity
analysis add-in for MS
performing curve fitting,
Unit Aware™ calculator
provides 14 powerful but
Excel. Its abilities
statistical analysis &
that lets you work with
easy to use analytical tools
include: ANOVA, Contingency
data plotting. Fit equations
for anyone using a
Tables, Clustering,
with up to 100 parameters to
dimensional values and
spreadsheet. Simply copy
Correlation, Discriminant
data with up to 20
includes advanced math
the data and click
and Factor Analysis, GOF,
independent variables.
functions, automatic
“Capture Data” in
Regression, Nonparametrics,
Define your own equations or
solvers, and much more.
Clarity to begin your
PCA, Uni and Multivariate
choose from over 600
t-Tests and many more.
pre-defined equations.
Date: Jan, 07 2007 Date: Apr, 12 2006 Date: Jan, 23 2005 Date: Sep, 28 2004 |
Sheet metal for AutoCAD. It
Randomly shuffle Excel cells,
Supports image analysis
IQ Power is the scientific
calculates flat (unfolded)
entire rows, or entire
functions: angle, distance,
approach to intelligence
sheet development of ducts,
columns. Sorting is done
perimeter, area, point and
testing that excludes prior
rectangle to ound
quickly and at complete
line measurements. Includes
problem solving knowledge by
transitions, cylinders,
curve fitting, pixel
making the method freely
cones, intersections,
profile, array/band
available to the examinee.
connections, bifurcations,
analyzer, finding objects,
The test focuses on the
elbows, etc.
and histogram with
depth and breadth of
hoppers, cyclones, ducts,
complexity that the examinee
silos, piping, etc.
can solve to.
Date: Jun, 24 2004 Date: Jan, 17 2007 Date: Feb, 19 2007 Date: Aug, 29 2004 |