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/** Search */

Web Traffic Analysis


Free Stats with Free Counter

Hits: 415


Hits: 224

Google Page Rank

Hits: 1406
Visible or Not Free Counter
The statistics available on
StatsSheet is a free
This service will retrieve
with Stats page You can
Tetigi provide an in-depth
reliable, detailed web based
your Google Page Rank. This
choose between more than 20
knowledge of the audience
stats service. You simply
is a FREE service.
counters styles
and a detailed analysis of
insert a peice of code in
your web site performance.
all the pages you want stats
You are given all the
tracked for. You can have
elements necessary to
the counter be invisible or
evaluate the opportunity of
you can have a visible
making any changes to
counter. With features like
increase traffic or to
full visitor paths this tool
better focus on your users
is great for tracking how
target. Tetigi
people use your site. It
statistics can be accessed
also includes a inLive
through the following menus:
feature that shows you who
Visits, Referrers, Pages,
is currently on your site.
Visitors and System.
Moreover, the Administration
menu contains a full range
of options to customize most
of Tetigi’s functions, based
on the type of your site and
your analysis
requirements. For all
details it provides (totals,
averages, percentages and so
on), every statistic is
easy-to-read and the trend
can be grasped at first
glance. Lots of different
tables and charts provide a
detailed picture of your
data on predefined and
custom time intervals. Last
but not least, for an easier
evaluation of the paths
followed by visitors on your
web site, Tetigi provides
thumbnails of viewed pages!

Date: Jun, 07 2005

Date: May, 30 2005

Date: May, 19 2005

Date: May, 02 2005
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Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Apr, 12 2005
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