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Blog and Ping Script - Free

Hits: 899
Free online tool, converts
This on-line tool can be very
Ping.IN is a blog ping
FREE Drop Down Menu Builder
entered characters into the
useful for bloggers who
service that pings or
tool. Dynamically create
equivalent ASCII codes, as
wants to let readers to add
notifies Weblog Services
dhtml, javascript dropdown
usable with HTML. The
"social" bookmarks
such as Blog Search Engines
menus with preferred colors
output can be used directly
to their posts. You can
and blog directories that
and size in minutes.
on web pages, so useful
select as much bookmarking
your blog has been updated.
where special characters are
services as You wish and put
Thus enabling them to index
them all in a line (with or
your blog fast and make your
without logotypes) with
content available for a
direct bookmarking links.
larger audience.
There are some variations of
how the result line looks,
You can play with checkboxes
and choose what You
wish. The result is a
"bookmarklet" (or
— small
java-script program that can
be stored as a URL within a
bookmark in most popular web
browsers, or within
hyperlinks on a web page.
You can drag it on Your
browser's toolbar. Pressing
that button later You can
create code for social
bookmarking links.

Date: Jun, 02 2006

Date: Jun, 01 2006

Date: May, 31 2006

Date: May, 27 2006
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Date: May, 26 2006

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: May, 14 2006
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