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Start your own dating site today!

Hits: 1194

LinkPop.ws Webmaster Tools

Hits: 445
One of the unique software
Start your own dating site is
Free link popularity check,
This partnership features a
that allows webmasters to
easy as 1-2-3 for only
pagerank check, search
full suite of online casino
put dating tool on their own
$19.95/month. 1. Create
engine saturation check,
games in 15 languages, a 50%
website. No headaches of
an account with us. 2.
search engine ranking check,
weekly commission rate and
server managment and
Select and create template
and whois check.
the industry's top player
database handling.
for your dating site. 3.
retention system, making it
Easily customizable with
Accept payment with merchant
the web's most profitable
the look and feel of your
account, PayPal, or
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own website.
2CheckOut. With
program. With over 80 Vegas
DatingSite Builder, you do
style games available in 15
not need to know any
languages, it offers high
programming, we provide all
initial bonuses, huge
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progressive jackpots, live
your own dating website. For
player support and an
only $19.95 per month and
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no setup fee, you can start
program. Including
in a minute.
single-hand, 3-hand, 10-hand
and 50-hand video poker
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Roulette, Baccarat, Craps,
Sic Bo & Keno. The
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excitement is here! Our
program allows you to earn
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Date: Apr, 14 2005

Date: Apr, 11 2005

Date: Apr, 05 2005

Date: Mar, 30 2005
Liven up you site by adding
JODPIE Bar is a remotely
Want to display details of
Ever wanted to be able to
dynamic self-updating
hosted script that
local events in your area
display a users' country to
content from up to three RSS
dynamically provides live
without the hassle of
them when they visit your
feeds with just a copy
Open Directory data through
constantly updating your
website? Or even better - an
& paste. Nothing
an elegant programming
site? With event feed you
image of the flag from the
could be easier! Not only
solution based on the
can display gigs, sports,
country they are from like
that, but the look is
combination of server-side
theatre, arts, days out,
some big name websites
completely customizable, so
scripting (PHP) and
exhibitions and other events
do? Well, now you can.
that you can tailor the
client-side scripting
on your site with a simple
With just one line of
widget to the look of your
(JavaScript). JODPIE Bar is
piece of Javascript placed
Javascript added to your
website. Customizing
pure javascript you can
on your pages.
page you can display a
includes setting the title
embed it in any web page,
users' IP address, Host
and its color, border style,
even static HTML
name, Country, Country Flag
border color, and the color
pages. JODPIE Bar is
Image and Browser type all
of the article titles. Also,
customizable and is designed
from your own web page.
the backgrounds can be set
to fit in a little column of
There are no adverts at all
to any color or pattern you
web page display; the script
and it's completely free!
provides a partial and
modified presentation of ODP
data using an on the fly
randomizer. Links are
displayed using thumbshots
provided by
Thumbshots.org. With this
script it’s possible to
embed live Open Directory
data in a web page just in
seconds; after inserting few
lines in a section of a web
page and live Open Directory
data will be
displayed! JODPIE Bar has
been developed having in
mind blogging platforms;
remotely provided html is as
simple as possible to
integrate with all html
designs. The script works
fine with most blogging
platforms, mainly on sidebar
and run transparently with
any theme.

Date: Mar, 28 2005

Date: Mar, 24 2005

Date: Mar, 24 2005

Date: Mar, 23 2005
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