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Community Wizard

Hits: 796


Hits: 223
Cleartide specialises in
Community Wizard enables your
SWIFTEDIT is a powerful
Kameleweb is a web based
developing highly
website to serve as an
online web editor solution
content management system
effective, bespoke
online community,
for all web owners and
(CMS) that allows you to
solutions to help clients
interactive, intranet,
webmasters. Featuring an
create, edit, design,
make the most of the
extranet and more! Community
online WYSIWYG editor which
update... your web site on
internet's potential.From
Wizard offers the greatest
enables you to update your
line, through an
web design and development
features in portal software
web pages in real-time. For
unbelievable simple and easy
to CMS systems and custom
on the market. Community
Resellers, you can offer
to use browser based tool,
Wizard is designed around a
this as an added value
that looks similar to a
baseline program and
service to your clients and
common Word processor
includes all the modules
make a profit at the same
software, with no need of
that work around the
time. You can co-brand the
downloads, installations or
baseline. Any of the modules
editor, and make it run
programming. Is it easy
can be enabled/disabled in
completely from your site.
to use? Kameleweb has been
the setup options by a click
designed to be really simple
of a button. We made it as
to understand, learn and
flexible as it can get, your
use. Even users with no
website will look like your
Internet or computer
very own portal and not like
knowledge have been able to
any others you see out
use it and take advantage of
there. You can also plugin
all its features; now they
any layout you already have
do not need to pay for
or found without any
expensive software or IT
problems. And in
professionals to update and
reality, Community Wizard is
manage their web sites. If
a whole lot more. Our
you sign up now, you will
customers are using it for
also have full access to our
so many types of websites
wide selection of high
including scalable
quality free web templates
large-format portals,
that will help you creating
entertainment, pay-for-play
or updating your web site in
websites, and more!
a matter of seconds. Can
I try it for free now? Of
course you can. We have
created a free demo version
for you to test Kameleweb
before purchasing it.

Date: Feb, 23 2005

Date: Feb, 19 2005

Date: Dec, 04 2004

Date: Nov, 27 2004
- Over 250 unique templates
Our simple non-template site
Traditionally getting a
We host your own diary
to choose from and switch
builder is your complete web
website for your business
online, free, submit your
between as often as you
site building and hosting
meant spending thousands of
posts from any email capable
like, with 10 new templates
solution. You can update
dollars on a designer,
device, via sms/web. You can
added weekly - One
your site any time you like
software, support and
also include images through
and it's 100% free. Our
hosting. Well not anymore!
mail/mms and web interface.
site builder application is
What used to take weeks and
Includes rss feeds. You even
and hosting. - Listings
ideal for novice computer
costs thousands, now takes
get a guestbook so that your
manager with unlimited
users who only need a very
minutes, looks better, is
visitors can send messages
number of listings, lead
simple website so that
more powerful and costs
to you.
generation features (contact
people can find information
under $25. EasyWebHQ is
form, announce a friend),
about them or thier business
simply the easiest and most
photo tours, map locator,
such as contact
powerful website builder
search engine - Resource
information. At any time
available. You will have
center with unlimited number
you can upgrade your site so
your website up and running
of articles and rich content
that you have your own
live on the internet, in
editor - Personal profile
domian name and other
just 5 minutes.
with photo gallery - A
additional benifits for a
EasyWebHQ is packed full
rich features Community info
small anual fee.
of powerful features, many
section to improve your
of which are unavailable on
exposure and effectiveness
other technologies.
in the area you are farming
Ecommerce, newsletter,
- Testimonials section -
shopping cart, email photo
Recommended links section
albums, catalogs, coupons,
- A vast range of
auto responders calendars
financial calculators for
and much much more are all
your prospective clients -
included. You will find
Complete online control
creating and updating your
panel enabling you to change
site a breeze. Most changes
the content, look and feel
only require a click of your
of your website in a matter
mouse and editing text is
of minutes - Traffic
just like typing a letter
tracker that will deliver
with an editor that looks
you statistics and graphs on
just like MS Word. If you
your website's activity -
can use a mouse then you can
Meta tags generator and
make a great
search engines submitter -
website. EasyWebHQ is the
Optional: your own domain
only technology that is
name (ex. www.myname.com )
directly comparable to a
custom site built by a
professional web development
company. We highly suggest
giving the Free Trial a try,
you have nothing to lose and
your business has everything
to gain.

Date: Nov, 08 2004

Date: Nov, 04 2004

Date: Oct, 27 2004

Date: Oct, 15 2004
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