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Community Wizard


Community Wizard

Hits: 797
Community Wizard enables your website to serve as an online community, interactive, intranet, extranet and more! Community Wizard offers the greatest features in portal software on the market. Community Wizard is designed around a baseline program and includes all the modules that work around the baseline. Any of the modules can be enabled/disabled in the setup options by a click of a button. We made it as flexible as it can get, your website will look like your very own portal and not like any others you see out there. You can also plugin any layout you already have or found without any problems. And in reality, Community Wizard is a whole lot more. Our customers are using it for so many types of websites including scalable large-format portals, entertainment, pay-for-play websites, and more!
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Feb, 19 2005
Author: SepCity, Inc., http://www.sepcity.com


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