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JavaScripts and CSS Compressor

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Hits: 977
FORMgen is a wizard that
All scripts listed on this
Compressing your scripts will
Techiesabode is being built
allows you to create
site are freely available
make them download faster,
to make it a one-point
Mortgage, Housing, Survey,
for use (scripts are
reduce bandwidth usage and
access to the world of
and Contact Us forms without
demonstrated within this
make it harder for others to
software development. This
programming a thing. Within
site). Currently contains a
steal your code. The
is meant to be a platform
minutes you can create your
list of 17 scripts.
javascript compressor leaves
for techies to hop on and
own Loan Application Form,
function names and global
ride through the web of
Contact Us Form, Survey,
variables untouched, so your
software development
etc... that sends the
script will continue to work
resources. Here you can find
results to an email account
with other scripts.
scripts , tips/Tricks, FAQs
(HTML or text) and database.
, article and Discussion
FORMgen is great for people
forums. Log-on and make it
with no programming
experience or for
experienced programmers who
need a starting point for
creating more elaborate
forms. Step 1: Enter a form
name. Step 2: Create the
fields. Step 3: Pick a CSS
template. Step 4: Set the
form actions. Step 5:
Download your form. Please
note: you must purchase a
copy of the FORMfields
Library and install it on
your web server to power a
form generated by FORMgen.
Furthermore, FORMgen is free
to use, however you can
purchase a commerical
version that can be
installed on your local web

Date: Nov, 30 2005

Date: May, 10 2004

Date: Oct, 25 2006

Date: Jan, 06 2006
Zend.com is designed to be a
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70 mambo templates for the
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Our tutorial indexing
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For instance, the program
people looking to learn and
free mambo template each
hosts the most comprehensive
comes with the Intelligent
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repository of PHP-related
Intellisense system that
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no trouble at all and if you
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tutorial, we will index your
and compiled in a searchable
is an architecture that
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knowledge base, allowing
emulates HTTP server
users to focus on specific
behavior right in Editor's
information. Zend.com
output window.
contains extensive libraries
of knowledge, including PHP
manuals, tutorials,
technical articles and case

Date: Jun, 24 2000

Date: Apr, 09 2005

Date: Oct, 09 2006

Date: Jun, 02 2005
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