Based on PHP/GD this script
PHP-Help provides PHP
A huge list of easily
This application for offline
enables you to make cool
examples and source codes
generation. From xml
signatures online for forums
for PHP developers. It has
Freeware/Commercial PHP
documents by xslt
or use them as web banners
been designed to help PHP
Scripts, all the scripts
, lots of varieties of
beginners by showing them
require almost no
images to choose from .
some simple and others more
configuration, just upload
Glassy look.
complicated PHP usage
and go.
Date: Nov, 04 2005 Date: Apr, 05 2005 Date: Jul, 02 2005 Date: Apr, 28 2005 |
Rapidphp is a PHP scripting
Ever seen a website like
Learning how to program can
and tutorial database. This
MySpace and Youtube and
be a tedious and frustrating
site hopes to help web
thought... wow wish I could
process. But once the art is
developers learn this new
have a website like that?
mastered, the rewards are
server side scripting
ScriptMimic is a different
language through usable code
way of finding and
and examples.
downloading scripts
including PHP, ASP, PERL and
Ruby on Rails. All you need
to do is type in a site
you'd like to mimic like
Youtube or Digg and
ScriptMimic will find
scripts that mimic the
functionality of those
websites. ScriptMimic is
your "One-Stop"
resource site for finding
pre-made scripts that suit
your needs. Stop time and
money finding a coder
develop a software solution
from scratch. Signup as a
ScriptMimic member now and
you can enjoy great
discounts and benefits with
the software companies we
partner with.
Date: Jan, 02 2001 Date: Nov, 30 -1 Date: Nov, 30 -1 Date: Apr, 17 2005 |