
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Web Traffic Analysis


Revisited: Logging With PHP

Hits: 582

safeReferral Function

Hits: 217

Visitor Log File

Hits: 3697

Website Tracking And Statistics

Hits: 997
In this continuation of the
This function saves the
A simple tutorial to show
A key component in building
article, "Logging With
referrals to a text file.
people how to create a
and maintaining a successful
PHP," the author
Each url will only be saved
visitor log file in PHP.
website is the ability to
explains how to build a
keep track of how many
PHP/MySQL-driven Web traffic
visitors are coming to your
logging and analysis system
website. You want to know
that can be continually
where they are coming from,
updated, which provides
and which pages they are
information on what content
looking at and finding most
was being viewed, browser
useful. This tutorial
and platforms stats, and
will guide you through the
trends over time. This
essentials of what to look
system is currently being
for in a website statistics
used on SourceForge.net.
tracking application.

Date: Dec, 12 2000

Date: May, 14 2003

Date: Sep, 27 2006

Date: Oct, 07 2006
Have you wondered where and
how people leave off your
site? Well, this one-page
tutorial shows you how to
setup a PHP redirection
script with logging feature.
You can use the script for
link-based as well as
form-based redirection while
logging your visitors.

Date: Dec, 14 1999
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