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Web Traffic Analysis


Revisited: Logging With PHP

Hits: 581

Last Access Information

Hits: 291

Where did they go today?

Hits: 114

Creating Your Own Log Files

Hits: 444
In this continuation of the
Here you will learn various
Have you wondered where and
Don't have access to your
article, "Logging With
PHP functions that allow you
how people leave off your
server logfile? Here, you
PHP," the author
to display information about
site? Well, this one-page
will find how to create your
explains how to build a
the previous hit to your
tutorial shows you how to
own logfile using PHP. It is
PHP/MySQL-driven Web traffic
setup a PHP redirection
basically a small PHP script
logging and analysis system
script with logging feature.
that extracted all the
that can be continually
You can use the script for
appropriate environment
updated, which provides
link-based as well as
variables, put them together
information on what content
form-based redirection while
as a Common Logfile Format
was being viewed, browser
logging your visitors.
entry and write it to a file.
and platforms stats, and
trends over time. This
system is currently being
used on SourceForge.net.

Date: Dec, 12 2000

Date: Dec, 26 1999

Date: Dec, 14 1999

Date: Dec, 11 1999
This one page tutorial show
you how to use PHP to
display your site traffic
statistics on the fly at any
time. Along with its
supplied PHP script, you
will learn how to get access
to your statistics that are
continually updated, and
that simultaneously support
multiple sites, and multiple
actions (page view, ad
click, click-in, click-out,

Date: Dec, 11 1999
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