Don't have access to your
Here you will learn various
Getting information about
This function saves the
server logfile? Here, you
PHP functions that allow you
your visitors is interesting
referrals to a text file.
will find how to create your
to display information about
and sometimes useful for
Each url will only be saved
own logfile using PHP. It is
the previous hit to your
generating statistics,
basically a small PHP script
especially when you have a
that extracted all the
high traffic.
appropriate environment
variables, put them together
as a Common Logfile Format
entry and write it to a file.
Date: Dec, 11 1999 Date: Dec, 26 1999 Date: Mar, 31 2004 Date: May, 14 2003 |
Have you wondered where and
how people leave off your
site? Well, this one-page
tutorial shows you how to
setup a PHP redirection
script with logging feature.
You can use the script for
link-based as well as
form-based redirection while
logging your visitors.
Date: Dec, 14 1999 |