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User Authentication


User Authentication Using PHP

Hits: 715
This step-by-step guide
This advanced PHP tutorial
Today you're going to learn,
This tutorial describes three
presents a free
will teach you how to create
in simple terms, how to use
methods to authenticate a
cut-and-paste example code
a login system using MySql.
4MemberOnly to build a
user. First is by hardcoding
of a username and password
It will take you through
member only area on your
the user info in the script.
login web based system.
user registration, user
site. This is a quick, easy,
Second, check the user
Developed using PHP, MySQL
verification and a forgot
straight to the point,
information in the database.
and JavaScript. Updated
password feature.
hands-on tutorial that will
Third is by adding image
to include improved security
get you coding in no
verification in the login
time. Note that to
form where the user must
properly understand this
enter the random numbers
tutorial, you will need a
displayed in the image.
working knowledge of
HyperText Markup Language

Date: Jan, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 30 2005

Date: Mar, 22 2005

Date: Apr, 04 2005
It is quite common to have
This tutorial along with
One cool thing about php is
This tutorial covers the
the need to password protect
sample code explains how to
that you can fairly easily
concepts of creating a
a certain file or a set of
make a hardcoded admin
validate users before
membership system from A to
files, in order to prevent
password gateway using PHP.
displaying content on a page
Z on your website. It
unauthorized access to those
It also covers how to use
by page basis. Let's say you
includes signup, activation,
files. There are many
.htaccess for server side
don't want to restrict the
login and lost password
different alternatives on
password protection.
entire directory using
recovery as well as Session
how to do this including,
htaccess, this is a neat
Management. It is very in
sessions, cookies,
alternative. This tutorial
depth and extensive.
JavaScript and HTTP
shows how to create a simple
authentication. Peter shows
page-based login system
you how to implement simple
using PHP and mySQL.
HTTP authentication.

Date: Jan, 22 2005

Date: Jan, 05 2000

Date: Jul, 29 2000

Date: Nov, 25 2002
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