Get started using UMA. UMA is
This comprehensive 8-page
This three-page online
This is a built in admin
a user management and
online tutorial explains how
tutorial/article talks about
system that allows users to
authentication system
to authenticate and track
managing user session and
login and logout.
written in PHP. UMA can
users with PHP. Main topics
authntication using PHPLIB,
greatly reduce the time and
include: HTTP Authentication
a set of PHP classes
effort put into every
with PHP, Validation Against
designed to make is easier
a Flat File, Authenticate
to develop web based PHP
Against a Database, Using
Cookies, and Sessions and
User Preferences.
Date: Sep, 23 2002 Date: Feb, 03 2000 Date: Dec, 17 1999 Date: Aug, 26 2002 |
This code will add a piece of
This tutorial sows you how a
This tutorial will teach you
The logic (and method) behind
random numbers code on the
simple php login system is
how to create your own login
adding an e-mail validation
login form and user will
system with PHP, using
system to an existing PHP
have to copy into a text
sessions and the PEAR::DB
user registration system
field the process can not be
classes. Want to password
done if the code is wrong
protect your pages and only
and it produce new security
allow members to see them?
code when come back.. this
Then read this.
to protect you panel from
hacker softwares..
Date: Sep, 13 2006 Date: Dec, 09 2003 Date: Jul, 08 2002 Date: Oct, 02 2004 |