The logic (and method) behind
You can now implement
Today you're going to learn,
This code will add a piece of
adding an e-mail validation
password-protected pages
in simple terms, how to use
random numbers code on the
system to an existing PHP
without Telnet access to
4MemberOnly to build a
login form and user will
user registration system
protected directories in
member only area on your
have to copy into a text
your web site. Then you can
site. This is a quick, easy,
field the process can not be
use these password protected
straight to the point,
done if the code is wrong
directories to sell
hands-on tutorial that will
and it produce new security
downloadable products or
get you coding in no
code when come back.. this
provide premium access to
Note that to
to protect you panel from
members. In this password
properly understand this
hacker softwares..
protection tutorial, we will
tutorial, you will need a
explain how to create access
working knowledge of
authorization using only
HyperText Markup Language
FTP. This will be helpful to
most webmasters who want to
create authentication files
but who do not have Telnet.
Unfortunately, most of the
restricted access tutorials
assume that the webmaster
can use Telnet, which of
course, is not true. Now you
can sell your software,
documents, images or music
online. You can easily
protect files and
directories that require the
use of a username and
password, and you don’t have
to be a computer programmer
to do it!
Date: Oct, 02 2004 Date: Apr, 26 2005 Date: Mar, 22 2005 Date: Sep, 13 2006 |
HTTP as a protocol is
This tutorial sows you how a
This tutorial will teach you
Learn how to manage user
stateless, which doesn't
simple php login system is
how to create your own login
sessions using cookies
make it easy for a
system with PHP, using
developer. For example, your
sessions and the PEAR::DB
web server sends out a page
classes. Want to password
to someone ordering from an
protect your pages and only
online shop, and then
allow members to see them?
forgets all about it. A few
Then read this.
seconds later, the same
person sends another
request, ordering another
item. As far as the web
server is concerned, it
could be an entirely
different person. So to make
sure the right orders are
associated with the right
person, a developer has to
employ some sneaky tricks.
Before PHP4, you could have
used something like PHPLIB
for session management. But
PHP4 comes with a complete
set of sessioning functions.
This article explains how to
use them.
Date: May, 08 2002 Date: Dec, 09 2003 Date: Jul, 08 2002 Date: Jul, 30 2005 |