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Random Image Tutorial

Hits: 700

Random Image with a Database

Hits: 159

Random Link Script Tutorial

Hits: 978

Random Numbers in PHP

Hits: 196
In this tutorial we will
This tutorial will show you a
A simple tutorial to show
In this tutorial you will
create a random image
sample of how to generate a
people how to create a
learn how to generate random
generator. This could be
random number and how to use
random link script. Could
numbers using PHP. It
useful for rotating banner,
that number to get a random
easily be modified to create
illustrates three helpful
ads, traded button links or
item from a list. This
a random banner or random
examples that uses random
just simply randomizing your
example uses a MySQL
text script. Broken down
numbers: Generating a random
database to store the image
into simple steps.
number between 0 and 9,
names and URLs.
Written by James Barnsley
Simple slots script that
generates multiple random
numbers, and random text
link ads.

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 17 2000

Date: Sep, 26 2006

Date: Jan, 05 2000
This shows how to generate
This code enables you to
A useful PHP script which
Many people email wondering
random passwords, these
display a random quote on
returns random quotes,
how the heck we make the
could be added to more
yout website, from a list
jokes, testimonials etc. on
random quotes on the title
complex scripts to create a
you define. All you need is
each page load. Can also be
bar at the main page of
login system.
a a single php file and your
used to return random images
Spoono.com. Well, we're
or links. Extremely simple
finally releasing the
to set up.
secret, and its not as hard
as you think :)

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Sep, 29 2005

Date: Feb, 05 2005

Date: Mar, 04 2004
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