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Random Quote Script

Hits: 341

Flip a Coin

Hits: 541

random password

Hits: 1077

Random Quotes

Hits: 102
A useful PHP script which
Easily make a quick random
This shows how to generate
Many people email wondering
returns random quotes,
choice between two options.
random passwords, these
how the heck we make the
jokes, testimonials etc. on
This php script works by
could be added to more
random quotes on the title
each page load. Can also be
seeing if the current server
complex scripts to create a
bar at the main page of
used to return random images
time seconds is even or odd.
login system.
Spoono.com. Well, we're
or links. Extremely simple
The code snippet also
finally releasing the
to set up.
extends the basic principle
secret, and its not as hard
to let you flip a 3-sided
as you think :)
coin (for choosing among 3
options). Use this for
deciding banners, style
sheets or any random choice
between a very limited
number of options.

Date: Feb, 05 2005

Date: Oct, 20 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Mar, 04 2004
A simple and quick random
This script uses a MySQL
Learn how to randomize just
This tutorial will teach you
HTML emitter that you can
database and PHP to produce
about anything you need on
how to open a folder and how
easily integrate into your
random images and associated
your website. Great for
to read it contents. The
web site. There's no need
hyperlinks. Great for
Random Quotes, Images and
sample code here does all
for an overly complex
producing random 88x31
MySQL Results.
the work to output random
solution here.
image located in the
specified directory into
your page.

Date: Oct, 23 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Jan, 30 2003

Date: Sep, 27 2002
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