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/** Search */



Shuffled data

Hits: 520

Simple Random HTML Emitter

Hits: 742
learning by example is great
In this tutorial you will
Displays the contents of an
A simple and quick random
way to figure out exactly
learn how to select some
array suffled, for example
HTML emitter that you can
how to make random outputs
randoms results from a sql
list of URLs. Can be easily
easily integrate into your
from image to text to actual
table with few lines of code.
modified to suit your needs.
web site. There's no need
html code. In the script
Working demo aviable.
for an overly complex
provided it gives how it
solution here.
actually works within the
comments. A very useful tool
for beginning web designers
and people new to php

Date: Jun, 09 2006

Date: Apr, 15 2006

Date: Aug, 19 2002

Date: Oct, 23 2003
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