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File Manipulation


Reading And Using Files

Hits: 573

Reading and Writing to Files

Hits: 288

Reading Text Files Using PHP

Hits: 554

Rename files with random names

Hits: 212
This tutorial/code shows how
Nowadays, PHP programmers
Following on from Simple Text
This script renames all the
to read and handle files
generally use databases such
Storage With PHP, when using
files (or some of the files)
using PHP. Also explains
as MySQL to do everything,
flat-file storage you also
in a given directory
built-in error protection.
however, every programmer
need to pull the data from
(default is cureeent dir)
should at least know the
the text files. This
with a random names, leaving
basics of reading and
tutorial will explain how to
the extensions as they were
writing to files - that IS
extract a piece of
what a database does. Come
information from a text file
read an all you need to know
and display it.
introduction to file

Date: Jan, 05 2000

Date: Jan, 10 2005

Date: Jan, 04 2006

Date: Sep, 10 2002
This is a brief tutorial for
This tutorial explains how to
When I first started learning
It is common to have
those who are new to php,
parse a given text file and
PHP I didn’t want to
downloads on your website,
and dont know much php. Here
display specific content
overload myself with
and sometimes you want to
they will learn how to
using PHP. The presented
learning about SQL as well,
moderate your downloads by
upload files through php. In
example shows how to parse a
so I used text files for
speed, or possibly hide the
the next version there will
weather information for your
storage instead (also known
directory that the download
be alot of great features
desired city. It also
as flat-file databases).
is coming from, protecting
added. Like Multiple Files
includes a shell script for
I am going to show you how
all your other files. This
Uploading Using Arrays
downloading the weather data
to write information to a
is very possible and very
& Loops Making new
text file from
text file using PHP. You
simple to solve in PHP. All
folders/files Editing
don’t have to have any PHP
you need is the header()
Files etc...
knowledge at all in order to
function and some files
follow this tutorial.

Date: Aug, 29 2006

Date: Jun, 09 2000

Date: Jan, 04 2006

Date: Dec, 15 2004
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