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File Manipulation


Basic File Editor

Hits: 589

Displaying a files extension

Hits: 505

Easy File Uploads

Hits: 584
Seems more and more people
In your PHP scripts at some
Displaying a files extension
Well, tired of FTP'n
are wanting to edit files
stage you may wish or need
everything up to your site?
on-line. Also a common
to completely change the
Or even want to allow other
problem in on-line editors
directory in which to look
members to upload files but
is the textarea because
in - for examples the
you don't want to give them
editors on-line use the same
directory to look for files
FTP access? Well lets create
code, so it breaks the
to include. This tutorial
a file upload system that
editor. This will address
shows you how to change dir
will take care of all your
this problem be tricking the
for file inclusion.
uploading woes. THis also
the online editor into
employs some minimal
thinking it did not in fact
security checks.
load a file.

Date: Feb, 05 2006

Date: Aug, 02 2005

Date: Jul, 30 2005

Date: Sep, 08 2004
In the PHP Tutorial You will
In this PHP Tutorial you will
This is a step-by-step
With this program you can
learn about File
learn the 2nd Part of File
tutorial that shows how to
upload file with a browser
manipulation (Part 1) -
Manipulation Reading lines
upload files to the server
on your server, or other
Checking file existence, A
from a file, Reading
through an HTML form and
people. You can become an
file or directory,
arbitrary amounts of data
PHP. It covers creating the
e-mail is someone upload
Determining file size,
from a file, Writing to a
client-side HTML, accessing
files. You can protect the
Creating and deleting files
file, Creating directories,
the file from PHP, and
upload with a password.
and Opening a file for
Removing a directory and
processing the uploaded File
Overwrite protection You can
writing, reading, or
Opening a directory for
in PHP.
choice the allowed
appending.You can test for
extension, the max file size
the existence of a file with
and some more. HTML infos at
the file_exists()
begin with CSS. You can
function.file_exists() takes
choice how many files you
one element, which is a
want to upload. You can
string representing an
choice: wrong pw output or
absolute or relative path to
not. Overwrite file or add a
a file that might or might
random extension. You can
not be there.
crypt your password with
MD5. View files with
download the upload file.

Date: Nov, 28 2006

Date: Nov, 28 2006

Date: Mar, 27 2001

Date: Dec, 09 2003
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