
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

File Manipulation


Displaying a files extension

Hits: 505

Form-Based Image Upload

Hits: 487

File Uploading in PHP 4

Hits: 486

Uploading a file in PHP

Hits: 478
Displaying a files extension
Learn how to upload images
This is a step-by-step
This article shows how to
easy using forms and PHP.
tutorial that shows how to
upload files in PHP.
Great for beginners.
upload files to the server
Uploading files in PHP is
through an HTML form and
very easy. You don't have to
PHP. It covers creating the
use any components as you do
client-side HTML, accessing
in ASP. All the file
the file from PHP, and
handling is done by built-in
processing the uploaded File
PHP functions.
in PHP.

Date: Jul, 30 2005

Date: Oct, 13 2004

Date: Mar, 27 2001

Date: Sep, 11 2002
This tutorial explains how to
This tutorial shows you how
You've already seen how
This tutorial tell you how to
parse a given text file and
to upload an image on your
PHP4's FTP functions can
create a file upload script
display specific content
server using PHP and html
help you interact with files
on your server using php,
using PHP. The presented
forms. You will also learn
on a remote server. In this
javascript. The code is
example shows how to parse a
how to verify if the
article, learn how to use
available for free.
weather information for your
uploaded file is an image
PHP's other file and
desired city. It also
(checking the extension), if
directory manipulation
includes a shell script for
it doesn't overtakes a size
functions, and build an
downloading the weather data
limit and how to change the
equivalent application that
text file from
uploaded file name.
demonstrates the difference
between the two approaches.

Date: Jun, 09 2000

Date: May, 05 2006

Date: Nov, 29 2000

Date: Jun, 01 2005
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