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File Manipulation


Get directory from string.

Hits: 744

Upload A File From A Form

Hits: 689
Asynchronous file uploads is
In your PHP scripts at some
Returns the directory from a
This tutorial will cover how
quote popular feature in
stage you may wish or need
string. EX: /test/ FROM
to make a basic PHP upload
modern AJAX
to completely change the
/test/blah.php Shows how to
script. You can easily
web-applications. However
directory in which to look
create functions, use
convert or change it.
standard AJAX classes
in - for examples the
explode(), count(), while()
(XmlHttpRequest) does not
directory to look for files
and preg_replace() functions.
have capabilities to process
to include. This tutorial
or send files selected with
shows you how to change dir
"file dialog"
for file inclusion.
type="file"). This
article contains example
application (trivial
file-sharing service, like
rapidshare, megaupload or
yousendit) which uses
embedded frames (IFRAME) to
upload file. While file is
uploaded to hidden frame,
user can still access
web-page and fill "file
description" field.

Date: Dec, 04 2006

Date: Aug, 02 2005

Date: Oct, 08 2004

Date: Feb, 11 2006
A collection of 14 tips on
Create a basic script for
A collection of 12 tips on
Seems more and more people
PHP functions on file input
allowing users to upload
uploading files with PHP
are wanting to edit files
and output. Clear answers
images to your website
pages. Clear explanations
on-line. Also a common
are provided with tutorial
and tutorial exercises are
problem in on-line editors
exercises on opening files
provided on creating file
is the textarea because
for reading and writing,
upload HTML tags, setting
editors on-line use the same
appending data to existing
encoding type on HTML forms,
code, so it breaks the
files, reading file by line
getting uploaded file
editor. This will address
or character, reading file
information, storing
this problem be tricking the
in binary mode. Special
uploaded file in database.
the online editor into
topics are: How To Append
thinking it did not in fact
New Data to the End of a
load a file.
File? How To Read One
Character from a File? How
To Read a File in Binary
Mode? How To Read Data from
Keyborad (Standard
Input)? How To Open
Standard Output as a File

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: Dec, 24 2005

Date: Jun, 07 2006

Date: Feb, 05 2006
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