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Email Systems


phpAiB Contact Us Form

Hits: 940

Quick and Dirty E-mail Validation

Hits: 1119

Random email addresses

Hits: 8135
Easy to use contact form that
Ever been spammed on from
If you use this code, you
This will display random
you can easily implement on
posting your email address
will be able to validate a
email addresses on a page.
your site. Features
on a website? Well, here's a
submitted e-mail address.
The user enters how many
Include: - Admin Panel for
method we like to use that
It checks for an @
addresses they want and the
Contact Form - Form is
prevents those web spiders
character, and actually
script produces that amount.
Includeable on website -
from picking your users
checks the DNS of the e-mail
This is intended for
Admin Panel Controls the
email up and spamming them.
address domain to make sure
spammers who use email
Names/Email Addresses of the
it has a mail server.
harvesters and gives them a
people your visitors can
few new ones to use :-)
contact using the form. Also
has categories of people. -
Script is great for sites
with lots of staff or lots
of different e-mail
addresses for different

Date: Mar, 05 2005

Date: Dec, 16 2002

Date: Sep, 25 2006

Date: Mar, 10 2004
How to send an email from
Sending emails with PHP is a
This 2-page tutorial explains
A php tutorial that shows how
within a PHP page using the
lot easier than you would
how to send an email message
to realize a useful feature
built in mail() function.
to someone or multiple
like the one to send an url
people using the PHP mail
of your site via mail.
function and sendmail.

Date: Dec, 09 2003

Date: Feb, 11 2006

Date: Feb, 24 2000

Date: Apr, 30 2006
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