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Email Systems


phpAiB Contact Us Form

Hits: 940

Easy Emailer!

Hits: 758

Building a Secure Contact Form

Hits: 533

Sending emails in PHP

Hits: 952
Easy to use contact form that
This wonderful 1 page PHP
A contact form or an email
This is an introductory
you can easily implement on
webscript not only is fully
form is often a critical
tutorial to teach you how to
your site. Features
customizable, but also hides
part of a website, in
send emails via PHP. It is
Include: - Admin Panel for
your email address from
allowing users to contact
quick and easy and aimed for
Contact Form - Form is
spammers, and bots which try
you regarding one or more
Includeable on website -
to extract your email
issues. This article aims to
Admin Panel Controls the
address. This script also
help you produce a secure
Names/Email Addresses of the
includes easy configuration,
contact form, and at the
people your visitors can
setup which will take under
same time, try to reduce the
contact using the form. Also
a minute. All you need to do
amount of spam you will
has categories of people. -
is put in your email
receive from it.
Script is great for sites
address, and load it on to
with lots of staff or lots
your website! When an email
of different e-mail
is sent, the sender's IP
addresses for different
address is included in the
email incase of spam, at
which then you could ban the
IP from your website. Free
support is offered with this
amazing emailing script.

Date: Mar, 05 2005

Date: Feb, 03 2005

Date: Jan, 29 2005

Date: Jan, 04 2005
This will display random
How to send an email from
This article breaks down the
This tutorials shows you how
email addresses on a page.
within a PHP page using the
coding behind stargeek's
to send email using the
The user enters how many
built in mail() function.
popular email contact form
layer defined in PHP4 for
addresses they want and the
Win32 platforms. It'll show
script produces that amount.
you how to send html mail,
This is intended for
attachments and of course
spammers who use email
plain mail.
harvesters and gives them a
few new ones to use :-)

Date: Mar, 10 2004

Date: Dec, 09 2003

Date: Dec, 09 2003

Date: Oct, 04 2003
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