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Email Systems


Building a Secure Contact Form

Hits: 533

Checking your spam status

Hits: 834
One of the keys to running a
A contact form or an email
Spam is a major problem. As
This HOWTO shows some ways of
good website, is allowing
form is often a critical
spam filters become more
how you can fool email
your visitors to contact you
part of a website, in
effective the spam changes
spiders to not detect
when they have a question or
allowing users to contact
to evade prompting the spam
published email addresses.
comment on your website.
you regarding one or more
filters to again step up
Yet, in this day of email
issues. This article aims to
their aggressiveness. In
harvesting and spam, how do
help you produce a secure
this escalating battle it is
you allow your website
contact form, and at the
all too easy for legitimate
visitors to contact you,
same time, try to reduce the
email to be filtered out in
without exposing yourself to
amount of spam you will
error. If you have ever had
a deluge of unwanted vi*gra
receive from it.
to deal with a complaint
ads? The answer? Use a
from a customer who never
form mailer! Click the link
received their activation
to read more about form
email, only to find it in
processing scripts and how
their spam folder then you
you can easily use them on
are familiar with the
your site. We also have an
problem. No single approach
excellent form mailer that
is going to ensure that all
you could use on YOUR site.
your mail gets through but
one quick and easy thing you
should be doing is checking
the black lists and make
sure you are not on them.
In this tutorial I go
through creating a script
which will automatically and
periodically check the black
lists for you. Once set up
you can just leave it and
rest a little more secure.

Date: Oct, 07 2006

Date: Jan, 29 2005

Date: Dec, 19 2006

Date: May, 27 2003
This tutorial will show you
This wonderful 1 page PHP
Creating your own user
This script will not only
how to send email in PHP.
webscript not only is fully
registration system allows
check the email by regex but
Firstly it'll go over the
customizable, but also hides
you to obtain interesting
it will also use mx records
basics of how the Simple
your email address from
information about the
to check if the domain
Mail Transfer Protocol
spammers, and bots which try
visitors to your site. shows
exists. It also checks
(SMTP) works, then how to
to extract your email
you how to send email
against one of the most
send email using
address. This script also
activations to users email
popular recieve only free
PHP. After that it will
includes easy configuration,
email sites.
show you how to send HTML
setup which will take under
emails in PHP (instead of
a minute. All you need to do
just plain text
is put in your email
emails). Finally, it will
address, and load it on to
introduce you to an email
your website! When an email
class from the PEAR
is sent, the sender's IP
repository which will make
address is included in the
your life much easier for
email incase of spam, at
sending emails, and allow
which then you could ban the
greater functionality such
IP from your website. Free
as including attachments in
support is offered with this
your email.
amazing emailing script.

Date: Aug, 05 2003

Date: Feb, 03 2005

Date: Feb, 01 2006

Date: Jan, 08 2007
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