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Email Systems


Random email addresses

Hits: 8135

Sending Email Using PHP

Hits: 1210
This will display random
This script will not only
Contains useful arguments
In this tutorial you will
email addresses on a page.
check the email by regex but
(from, to, subject, text)
learn how to send email to
The user enters how many
it will also use mx records
and protection from
one person, multiple people,
addresses they want and the
to check if the domain
malformed headers. Also,
send and redirct to a page,
script produces that amount.
exists. It also checks
there is a simple mail form
send if someone visits your
This is intended for
against one of the most
error 404 or other pages,
spammers who use email
popular recieve only free
add an attachment to an
harvesters and gives them a
email sites.
email, and even check to see
few new ones to use :-)
if the email address entered
is in the correct email
format (name@domain.com).

Date: Mar, 10 2004

Date: Jan, 08 2007

Date: Oct, 25 2006

Date: Sep, 21 2006
This is a detailed tutorial
Sending emails with PHP is a
If you use this code, you
PHP is the way to go for
on Sending Email using
lot easier than you would
will be able to validate a
online email forms. This is
Forms, in this tutorial you
submitted e-mail address.
a short tutorial with
will also learn about alot
It checks for an @
copy-and-past code on how to
of Php elements. And other
character, and actually
use the PHP email function
kinda things.
checks the DNS of the e-mail
to create an on line email
address domain to make sure
form to send emails from
it has a mail server.
your website.

Date: Feb, 11 2006

Date: Feb, 11 2006

Date: Sep, 25 2006

Date: Apr, 18 2005
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