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Flash buttons

Hits: 1016

Flash JPG Rotator

Hits: 1005

Gallery by BrightIdea

Hits: 997

Gallery Flash presentation

Hits: 988
We offer beautiful commercial
The Flash JPG Rotator enables
f you are a professional
You have same pictures from
flash buttons. The packet
you to show a couple of
photographer or graphic
your own camera and you want
contents six flash buttons.
photos or banners in
artist, you need to present
to create a nice
You will get full source
sequence, with fluid
your portfolio in the most
presentation that could be
code and graphics including:
transitions between them.
eye-catching and dynamic way
publishing on web or on a
fla, swf och html files.
This way you'll be able to
possible. Using advanced
CD? You need a presentation
bring a little life to a
Macromedia Flash technology,
CD for your wedding or for a
static html page and show
you can now do this! This
big social event? Or you
multiple images without the
Flash photo / image gallery
simple want to share your
need to refresh a page. You
allows extensive
pictures with others? Here
don't need Flash to use this
customization, so that you
is the solution for your
tool, though the fla archive
can make your portoflio look
needs: a small ready to use
has been included. Version 2
almost any way that you
flash presentation gallery.
features lots of bugfixes, a
want, within certain layout
new 'fluids' transition, and
constraints. Eye-catching
an optional navigation bar.
special effects have been
built in to the image loader
and thumbnail loader, so you
don't need to even though
the Flash-side. Just add
your non-progressive JPG
images to the appropriate
directory, and then off you

Date: Oct, 11 2006

Date: Nov, 02 2005

Date: Feb, 28 2005

Date: Aug, 09 2006
Test your reflexes with our
We offer beautiful commercial
Five amazing Flash preloaders
you can load external image
version of this exciting
flash menus and buttons. The
compiled in a .mxp
files and create magnifying
wall ball game in which you
packet contents three flash
file. Auto installing
glass effect with flash 8's
must hit all the panels in
vertical menus. You will get
extension for Flash
new bitmap API
the front wall to win. This
full source code and
MX. Really out of the
game allows you to
graphics including: fla, swf
box: -Download the mxp
optionally start on a higher
och html files.
file > -Install it
level in which the ball
> -Open the
moves faster
Component Panel
> -Drag your
favourite loadbar on to the
stage > -Publish...
and you are done!

Date: Apr, 03 2005

Date: Oct, 14 2006

Date: Oct, 28 2004

Date: Sep, 15 2006
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