Save money and time by
Buttons library for
This sample explains how XML
Flash Menu, easy to use, all
getting all 10 Flash MX
Macromedia Flash MX and
and flash connects.
you need is to edit an
scripts in a single
Macromedia Flash MX
will see how to to load data
external file with a text
download. The scripts are as
Nice animated buttons
from an external XML file
editor and upload the menu
Flash MX | PHP
with sounds and effects.
and use that data inside a
file and configuration file
Flash MX | PHP
swf flash file.
XML file
on your server.
This flash
tags are explained and the
menu can auto scroll up and
Flash MX | PHP
flash ActionScript lines are
down when mouse is close to
User Authentication
commented so you understand
margins or it can have a
MX | XML MP3 Loader
each code block.
scroll bar. Flash program
MX | PHP Tell a
files download are also
is not needed to use and
Flash MX | XML Link
configure this menu;
Flash MX | XML Image
however, the source file is
Flash MX | XML
included in case you want to
Transition Gallery
Flash MX
make advanced customizations.
| PHP Guestbook
Flash MX |
PHP Counter
*NEW* Flash 8 |
*NEW* Flash 8 | XML
FLV Player
*NEW* Flash MX |
All come with complete
source files as well as
instructions for use.
the link above for product
Date: Sep, 15 2006 Date: Nov, 28 2006 Date: Nov, 28 2006 Date: Nov, 28 2006 |
Silver style Flash based
The xmlCalendar component is
This script allow you to mail
Complete dynamic Us
alarm clock packed as
a dynamically updatable
your contact form directly
interactive map. Simple
component for Macromedia
event calendar for your
from a swf file. You can use
embed map in to your
Flash. You can insert it
Flash websites. It's easy to
any kind of language like
website. Change States URLs
from Flash just with a
define recurring events
php, asp or cgi. Even if you
in text file and map will be
single click. The user can
using the XML option. This
have none of them, you can
linked to your web. Even can
configure the alarm time to
calendar is fully skinnable
use remote form mailer
paste ASP and PHP links to
be activated at the hour and
to suit your design needs.
services with this script.
connect map with database.
minutes entered from the web
page that contains an
instance of the clock.
Date: Aug, 29 2006 Date: Dec, 13 2005 Date: Sep, 11 2006 Date: Nov, 21 2006 |