Stop paying $30-$150 per
It is a flash digital clock
The game is simple: just
We have developed a Flash
template and $50-$150 per
for your website. It can
enter your name, press
easy to play Puzzle game and
flash template! For $29.95,
shows date along with time.
"Play" and start
we also provide you with
you will gain access to
It has a semi transparent
moving your mouse clockwise
free .fla file download of
thousands of graphics, for
background, which creates
trying to make 100 rounds as
this game.
less than one template
the visual effect of a LCD
fast as you can to enter the
elsewhere, for your
panel. It can be used in web
highscore table.
lifetime! That means you
pages to add some more
source code provided.
download all the templates
and graphics for $29.95 This
deal cannot be beat!!
Date: Jun, 21 2004 Date: Sep, 11 2006 Date: Oct, 03 2006 Date: Jan, 20 2005 |
This is an easy to use
Let's face it, the Macromedia
These modules are designed as
This is a full flash site
navigation solution for your
Flash DataGrid component, as
a feedback form to get
template, made by
site. All the thing that you
provided by Macromedia, is
impressions and comments, includes:
need is just edit the xml
basically useless. No
from your visitors.
background sound (<made
file to add new link. It has
word-wrapping, no horizontal
Create great first
by, and
a very attractive background
scrolling, no embedding of
impressions by having the
other sounds on page
and sound to each navigation
style sheets, etc. I, for
latest interactive
transitions, and page
one, have had enough! The
technology available.
transitions. Also, has a Flash Datagrid
The module can be amended
locked menu, when you click
builds on the existing
and customized visually
the menu, it freezes, and
Macromedia DataGrid
although the layout changes
doesn't disappear, until a
component, but adds a large
have some restrictions.
subcategory is selected. If
amount of functionality,
Delivery includes 100%
you use, please leave the
which finally makes this
flash source files (.fla)
credits in place, at the
component useful to
and PHP CMS.
bottom of the template,
saying "Template made
developers now have much
Also, Flash menu was
more control over the
deactivated, so no
FDataGrid Component than you
unfamiliar users can make
ever had before. You will
mistakes! Free for anyone.
now be able to change the
leave credits though. Free
font color and style of
for non-commericial and
individual cells, change the
non-business use ONLY.
background style of
individual cells, specify
the color of a column EVEN
when alternateRowColors is
enabled (previously,
alternateRowColors overrided
column colors), toggle
horizontal gridlines, use
horizontal scrollbars, wrap
text (even text within the
headers!), remove that ugly
header dividing bar, insert
.css style sheet properties,
and much more!
FDataGrid Component is made
by Macromedia to provide
developers with a useful
tool for displaying data in
a sortable, editable grid.
However, as provided by
Macromedia, the DataGrid
component has many
limitations. These
Extensions get around some
of those limitations, while
building on the existing
DataGrid component, so that
you do not lose any existing
modifications costs $5, and
include 100% of the source
code, as well as the
examples illustrated in the
demo, and an API for the new
functions in PDF format. The
download does NOT include
the DataGrid component
itself. It is assumed that
you already posses the
DataGrid component,
available from Macromedia.
If you are using Flash 7
(also known as Flash MX
2004), then the Datagrid
component comes with the
Flash authoring environment.
If you are using Flash 6,
then the DataGrid component
must be purchased from
Macromedia with a DevNet kit.
Date: Sep, 11 2006 Date: Feb, 28 2005 Date: Jun, 20 2005 Date: Dec, 29 2005 |