A Perl code editor for
PerlMUD is a MultiUser
The author writes "The
This is a Windows application
Windows. Features include:
Dimension (MUD), a
Email client was an
that allows you to encrypt
Syntax Coloring, Bookmarks,
text-based environment that
extension of a Web CGI
your Perl source code making
Auto Indenting, Line Ending
allows multiple users to
interface for the
it very difficult to modify
Conversion (Unix to
converse, explore, and
POP3Client.pm. First I
or steal.
Windows), Drag and Drop
interact. PerlMUD is written
migrated to the CLI
Support, Goto Line by Line
in Perl 5.0 and is highly
interface, which was real
Number, and Handles .pl and
compatible with the
ugly, but it gave me a basis
.cgi files.
well-known TinyMUD command
for the application. Then I
set, which provides a
moved over to the Tk
friendly interface to your
interface, and started
online environment.
building features. Presently
is inexpensive shareware,
the ability to check and
and complete Perl source
send mail, as well as
code is included.
configure a pop3, smtp,
Administrators can easily
account name, password, and
extend the PerlMUD system by
reply to address are
writing additional Perl code.
included. The interface for
reading/deleting mail is
clunky, but under
Date: Jan, 20 2003 Date: Oct, 09 2001 Date: Sep, 06 2001 Date: Sep, 04 2001 |
visiPerl+ provides you with
Perl Builder is a complete,
FormPAL is a visual
Formwizard is a perl module
all the tools to write Perl
integrated development
development tool for web
to manage forms. It can be
scripts. Although visiPerl+
environment (IDE) for Perl.
forms. It runs on Windows
used in any CGI/program, to
leans toward CGI based
Whether you are an
95, but creates compatible
generate HTML forms, and
development, many use it to
experienced Perl developer
PERL CGI scripts for both
manage the input provided
develope various console
or a non-programmer who
UNIX and Windows based web
through that
based utility scripts. Some
needs to create Perl CGI
servers. FormPAL lets you
of its main features
scripts, Perl Builder's
quickly create forms without
include: Built-in mini-Web
visual tools are guaranteed
programming. You can create
Server, Built-in FTP Client,
to dramatically improve your
forms that send emails,
Document properties, Perl
productivity. Main features
create server-side files,
Explorer, Syntax
include: The CGI Wizard
manage HTTP cookies, and
Highlighting, Testing and
allows anyone to create
generate dynamic web pages.
Debugging, and much more.
sophisticated CGI scripts
It has a built-in form
without programming, The
editor and a graphical
Integrated Editor/Debugger
scripting interface. Its
allows you to immediately
comprehensive field
test and debug your code in
validation methods validate
an environment which is
all major credit cards,
reminiscent of the top
email addresses and number
visual development tools
fields. If you know a little
from Microsoft and Borland,
bit PERL, you can add
Desktop Testing/CGI
substantial power to your
Simulation, Fully Windowed
scripts by integrating
(GUI) environment, and more.
custom code with FormPAL's
built-in action templates.
Date: Sep, 11 2000 Date: Apr, 22 2000 Date: Nov, 01 1999 Date: Nov, 30 -1 |