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Hits: 388

Webalizer Runner

Hits: 331


Hits: 318
dbgmailr is a small utility
The functions included are
Webalizer runner is
CGIScripter instantly writes
in Perl that makes it easy
used for making telephone
configured by a xml file,
Perl CGI Scripts for MySQL,
to troubleshoot SMTP
calls from any computer. The
and does multiple calls to
Oracle, Access, SQL Server,
transactions, because it
call requests are sent over
webalizer to generate
Sybase, DB2, PostgreSQL and
shows the SMTP transaction
http to Voicent Gateway, a
multiple statistics reports.
of each email sent. It has
software program for
It also rotates apache log
databases. Features: --
the added attribute of being
interactive telephony
files, and gracefully
Improve productivity --
capable of sending email
applications. It is also
restarts apache, creating
Improve security of web
without the need of a
possible to set up a
new log files.
applications -- Save
relaying SMTP server. (You
call-till-confirm phone
thousands in infrastructure
can send SMTP commands
escalation process, ideal
costs -- No ODBC licensing
directly to the server in
for system administration
required for UNIX web
the target domain.) It was
staffs. (This feature is not
servers -- Leverage open
designed primarily as a
available in the free
source software - Apache,
sysadmin tool, and is also
Perl, DBI -- Quickly
convenient for sending a
prototype web
single email, e.g. when the
applications -- Economical
email doesn't justify
site license Demo for
launching a full-blown POP
MacOS X, Windows, Linux and
client. This is similar in
principal to utilities such
as Qm. It can also send

Date: Jan, 14 2005

Date: Dec, 21 2004

Date: Sep, 30 2004

Date: Aug, 20 2004
This is a script that you are
SetiLinDriver is a simply
SannySoft Perl Editor is a
The WWS Perl Protector allows
free to modify as you wish.
tool to cache work unit of
fully integrated developer
you to encrypt your Perl
It was created as part of a
SETI@home project under
environment. It has a
source code & Perl
project at Surrey
Linux. With SetiLinDriver
various number of features
Modules making its very
University. The winning
you can store on your disk
which makes writing, editing
difficult to modify or
alogorithm need additions.
more than one WU, and send
and debugging Perl scripts
steal. You can set domain
If you need further advise
results to the Seti server
easier. SannySoft Perl
name where you only want
please feel free to contact
manually, when you are
Editor is simple, but at the
your scripts to run, set
me via an e-mail.
connected to the net. This
same time it is very great
expiry time and url,where
release is stable and should
tool. SannySoft Perl
you want your customers to
work fine: now I'm working
Editor will save much of
be forwarded once the
to make more easy the
your time shorting
encrypted scripts is expired.
developing time. You can
create CGI scripts in
minutes using Quick CGI

Date: Jul, 27 2004

Date: Jul, 14 2004

Date: Jun, 22 2004

Date: Apr, 22 2004
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