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EHT Backup Utility For Ensim(R) PRO


EHT Backup Utility For Ensim(R) PRO

Hits: 655
** SALE PRICE $10.00 USD ** <br> Keep your customers data, and your servers data secure. Our Backup Kit, takes the question of the security of your data. Selected automated cron times. Select which extra features to backup. (mail pgsql mysql other..) Define local partitions ( local or remote ) Define Remote folder structures Select exactly which reseller, site(s), or appliance. ( one or multiples ) Select Size of backups (in MB or GB) Select multiple or single email notification Create multiple backup times, and jobs Select how many days to keep selected backups Our Backup Kit creates compressed backups of all of the following items: Mysql Databases each domain related database is backed up to each client, backups are also provided to the remote location selected. PgSql Needed Databases The WEBppliance uses the servers Postgresql database for many of its features We duplicate and compress this, sending it to the remote location. DNS Entries Each domain hosted on your server, has the option of using local DNS With this we backup all of the domains DNS files and compress them transfering them to the remote location. Current customizations Should you have installed any additional Third Party features, to your server, we have several locations that are included /etc/virtualhosting /usr/lib/opcener /var/www/html and more Current Email for root or other real users The directory /var/spool/mail is added into this to assure any emails to root or other users arent missed. All hosted domains Each and every domain hosted, will be filtered out into single compressed files using the Ensim® PRO vhbackup utillity, to ensure compatiblity with all 3.5 - 4.0 version Ensim® PRO servers. Reseller data Bandwidth statistics Addons - Themes/Skins Most custom addons * All of the Awstats data files for all sites Currently supporting these folder structures: /var/lib/mysql - /var/www/html - /var/www/cgi-bin /etc/virtualhosting - /etc/appliance - /etc/httpd/conf /etc/sysconfig - /etc/ *configurations* - /var/spool/mail /var/named /usr/lib/opcenter - /home/virtual/ *domains* * Our backups include all of the following, commonly used directories, for most addons. /var/www/html /etc/virtualhosting /etc/appliance or in the /usr/lib/opcenter Other features include: Backup folders are created with hostname and date, so multiple servers can use one location. Can be configured to run at specific times with cron. Outputs very clear statement of each transfer and operation.
Platform(s): n/a
Date: Jul, 02 2004
Author: http://e-host-tools.com


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