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HTML Editors


Scriptomizers - iFrame Designer

Hits: 605

Rapid CSS Editor 2006

Hits: 604

The Posting Station

Hits: 603
This program is for
A code generator which
With Rapid CSS Editor you can
The Posting Station is an
webmasters who want to
creates customized iFrames.
quickly and easily create
online website creation/blog
increase their
Options include the iFrame's
and edit cascading style
tool that supports photo
productivity when creating
height and width (in pixels
sheets of any complexity.
galleries, categorized
TGP galleries and submitting
or as a percentage), as well
You can write the style
posts, update email
to TGP sites. TGPSoft
as its alignment, border,
sheet and HTML code manually
notification, and has lots
Thumbnail Gallery Builder is
and scrollbars.
or let the program do it for
of customization options.
the program that you use to
you. It is easy because of
The tool is very easy to
create thumbnails,
various helpful features,
use, and no HTML knowledge
according to your
including CSS validator,
is required. There is no
specifications. The HTML
auto complete and code
limit to the number of users
code is automatically
inspector. Results are shown
that you can grant posting
generated based upon your
instantly using built-in
permission to. Your site is
website name, website image
preview. Rapid CSS Editor is
your community.
directory and website
designed to save your time
thumbnail directory.
and make the job easier.

Date: Jul, 05 2004

Date: Jul, 27 2004

Date: Nov, 14 2006

Date: Mar, 29 2004
Create HTML table instantly
Dynamic HTML Editor is a
This is just a fancy version
Master Resell Rights
WYSIWYG HTML editor that
of notepad really. However
Included Sell This Product
allows you to design web
this has the minimal amount
& Keep 100% Of The
pages by simply dragging
of coding in it so will
elements into place. It can
probably take up even less
be used to create dynamic
resources than notepad
WEB pages and provides an
create HTML
option to insert code
"tables" with
elements if needed. You can
this! Don't know how to
import images, associate
create tables like this
events to parts of labels,
sales page uses? The
pictures, input fields and
Table Wizard makes it easy
more. Great for beginners to
to make the perfect table.
design a web page, but also
Extremely easy to use, just
very powerful for
fill in the blanks then
established webmaster.
generate the perfect code to
copy and paste into your
site! Choose your settings,
pick your colors with the
color tool then view and/or

Date: Jun, 10 2005

Date: Oct, 14 2006

Date: Nov, 05 2006

Date: Aug, 23 2006
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