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HTML Editors



Hits: 842


Hits: 809

HTMLtoRTF Converter Easy

Hits: 762
Small free HTML Editor with
PC Based blogging server
Ever Created Web Pages With
Fast converting multiple HTML
auto live preview, auto
website content management
Hundreds Of Links... Only To
to RTF. You can convert
filling and clearing of the
software, very fast to
Find Out You Forgot To Make
HTML into RTF with tables
most common HTML tags as
create and maintain quality
Each Link Open Into A New
or transform tables to the
well as all the useful
CSS compliant websites.
Window? Not a problem
text. You can convert many
features you could want or
WYSIWYG editors are not
anymore! Use our "New
files at once. Average speed
expect in any text or HTML
suited to the latest web
Window" script to make
of converting in RTF - 15
editor! Features include
standards whereas Super
all links on your website
files in a second. After
multi-step undo/redo, find
blogging allows beginners to
automatically open into new
converting RTF - files
& replace and
enter their content easily
windows (instead of
decrease twice in comparison
customization of the
and experts to automate
replacing your existing
with a DOC-format.
foreground and background of
powerful SEO, accessibility
website). Just one line of
the HTML itself.
and alternating designs
code to install on your web
routines. Comes with several
pages! Extremely simple and
pre-built website designs
easy to use!
but easy to adapt any html
template. No online server
to setup.

Date: May, 25 2006

Date: Aug, 27 2006

Date: Aug, 23 2006

Date: May, 16 2005
CoffeeCup Website Templates
Don't you hate those webpages
Meta Helper v1.0 Meta
HTML Site Maker is a
is a collection of over 500
that try to prevent you from
Helper v1.0 is a tool to
Full-Featured HTML Editor.
Website Templates. All
viewing their source code or
help design valid and
It is small yet powerful
templates are available in
saving images by disabling
effective meta tags for your
HTML editor. It has built-in
Photoshop PSD format with
Right-Click? Now you can
web pages and tempaltes.
HTML 4.0 Reference Manual.
HTML, individual GIF files,
view the source of any
There is no install
HTML Site Maker can not only
and fonts included. Website
webpage, as well as save any
required. Just download the
edit HTML files, but other
templates are pre-made web
image from a webpage, using
zip file, extract it, and
ASCII files also like Rich
page layout that you can
this source browser software!
enjoy. It eliminates all the
Text files, HTML files, PHP
modify and add content to.
typing and just requires you
Files and TXT files. HTML
All you need to Customize
to fill in the blanks.
Site Maker is very easy to
and Edit any of these
Software Features: -
use. It has a convenient
templates is a graphics
100% Free - Supports
tool bar with most commonly
program like: Adobe®
Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP -
used commands. HTML Site
Photoshop or Photoshop
Auto Generates Code -
Maker has all standard
Elements or Paint Shop Pro
Simple Interface - Export
features of any text editor,
and a good HTML Editor.
including unlimited undo and
redo, cut, copy, paste,
print, save as and save etc.
It has advanced features
like word select, code block
indentation, syntax
highlighting, line numbers,
and go to line number

Date: Jun, 20 2004

Date: Dec, 15 2004

Date: Sep, 13 2005

Date: Apr, 03 2006
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