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How To Write Hypnotic Articles

Hits: 365

InstaCat - Catalog Creator

Hits: 773
This is a *must-have* tool
Writing a sales letter is
Writing articles and
Complete Catalog Solution -
for any entrepreneur or
comparable to creating a
submitting them to online
InstaCat lets you create a
business owner serious
hypnotic script. The
publications is one of the
catalog of your products,
about making serious
hypnotist recites the script
most effective ways to get
complete with prices,
money. Ted Nicholas is
to a person in order to
free advertising for your
descriptions, photographs
widely recognized as the
persuade them to focus on
business. Most e-zine and
and order forms.
something that will change
Web site publishers
InstaCat is Complete
greatest copywriter. Not
their mind or behavior.
are constantly looking for
Solution - Catalog Creator
just *one* of the best --
One of the simplest ways
free, quality content to
and Catalog Viewer. Using
but *the* best.
to get your prospects to
publish. You simply write
Catalog creator you can
Ask around. It will be
focus on your ad is to get
something short and sweet
create your catalog CD or
hard to find anyone who
them to relax and trigger
and e-mail it to them.
publish it on the web.
disputes this. Ted's new
their imagination. There
Articles usually pull more
Catalog Viewer lets your
resource, "How I Sold
are many ways to trigger
response then regular ads
customer view your catalog
$400,000,000 Worth of
their imagination. You could
because if people like your
on CD. Catalog Wizards -
Products and Services"
have them imagine past
article they will read your
No training required -
shows you *exactly* how Ted
memories, past feelings,
resource box to find out
Catalog builder Wizard
was able to accomplish such
future experiences, future
more information. This will
allows you to create the
an impressive sales
emotions, present events,
lead them to visit your web
catalog without any training
record. Mark Joyner
etc. It could be a
site, subscribe to your
or any pre-help. Start using
calls this his "secret
pleasurable or painful
e-zine or e-mail your
in a minute. Audio and
weapon," and it's easy
experience that influences
autoresponder. Plus,
Video Integration - Add
to see why
them to buy your product.
most of these e-zines and
value to your product. You
In conclusion, the goal of
Web sites deal with only
can attach any audio / video
your sales letter is to
one subject, so they are
clip along with your
change your prospect's mind
highly targeted. By writing
product. Print Order -
or behavior so they buy your
and submitting just one
Your customers can directly
product. Relaxation and
article you have the chance
email or print and fax the
imagination are two powerful
to be published in front of
orders. Slide show and
tools of persuasion. People
thousands, maybe even
Image Editor - InstaCat
relax and imagine all day
millions of targeted
slide show feature allows
long on their own
people! This eBook shows
your customer to view your
without realizing it.
you how to write hypnotic
product at ease. You can
You're just simply
articles for e-zines and Web
edit your image using
suggesting it to them in
sites -- in 7 minutes or
InstaCat image editor.
your sales letter. “How to
less. Larry Dotson is
Unlimited Categories and
Write a Hypnotic Sales
the author and co-author of
Products - There is no
Letter” written by Larry
42 e-books and over 150
limitation on number of
Dotson & Joe Vitale
articles business related
catalog categories and

Date: Aug, 11 2005

Date: Aug, 11 2005

Date: Aug, 02 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2005
A comprehensive list of
The "Insider Secrets to
Great Windows + Internet
Create a free store where you
payment solutions and
Marketing Your Business on
event administration
can sell online for free -
essential information
the Internet" course is
software. Create online
Each store uses free
everyone should should know
the #1 best-selling Internet
forms. Process registrations
shopping cart software which
before application for a
Marketing course online --
in a snap. Book payments
you can use to sell for free
merchant account. Comparison
and now you have the UNIQUE
efficiently. Jumpstart-it
- there are no listing fees
and search of Internet,
OPPORTUNITY to recommend
automatically sends the
or selling fees - we will
Retail, MOTO Merchant
this quality product to your
right emails to the right
even help promote your store
Accounts, Gateways, Check,
visitors, customers, and
people and can also use
for you.
Mobile, Micropayment
subscribers, and... EARN A
Microsoft Word to generate
Processing Services and
letters. Easy export of data
other US, UK, Europe and
SOLD! This means that you
to Excel, CSV, XML. Don't
Internationally based
can easily: A) CAPITALIZE
spend hours typing
payment solutions and
registrations and tracking
services for business.
CUSTOMERS you may have from
emails any more! Integrated
eCommerce Scripts and
an existing e-business by
backup strategy. Made to be
Programs directory, reviews
sending them
used by anyone. Only US $99!
and ranks. Barcode
"backend" offers
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for the course. (Statistics
Systems, Billing Systems,
have repeatedly shown that,
Credit Card Processing and
of the people who have
PayPal systems, Shopping
bought from you before, 36%
Carts, Online Catalogs and
much more.
250% MORE SALES than you
would promoting your own
product by making a
recommendation" as
opposed to pushing your own
product or service. ! It's
extremely easy to do because
you just post a link, a
banner, or a short letter of
recommendation on your web
site -- or perhaps recommend
the course in your
newsletter or e-zine -- and
THE PROFITS (called a
"referral fee")
when a sale is made!

Date: Nov, 06 2006

Date: Aug, 12 2005

Date: Apr, 05 2005

Date: Jan, 13 2006
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