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Forum Promotion Suite

Hits: 891

Free SMTP Server

Hits: 251

Group Mail Free

Hits: 662

Hope Mailer Personal Edition

Hits: 311
Help promote your website,
Free SMTP Server is a SMTP
Whether it be for announcing
Hope Mailer is a 32-bit
product or service through
server program for Windows
new products and services to
professional personalized
that lets you send email
your customers, delivering
email marketing, publishing
Automatically insert your
messages directly from your
and managing newsletters, or
and tracking service
messages into messageboard
computer. It's very simple
simply staying in touch with
provider software for
posting forms, formatted in
but very useful for laptop
family and friends - Group
any of several different
users traveling around the
Mail Free will make the
98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP. At
message board posting
world and connecting their
process effortless - Best of
present time, Hope Mailer is
formats. Even track your
PCs to different Internet
all, you can use the award
being widely used in domains
posts for new replies!
Service Providers in
winning Group Mail Free for
such as domestic online
different countries. You can
as long as you want, for
marketing research,
use it instead of ISP's SMTP
newsletter, customer
server to increase your
relationship management
security and privacy. Free
(CRM), e-mail permit
SMTP Server supports all
marketing, direct mailing
email programs like Outlook
service, and collaborative
Express and Eudora
working etc. By Hope Mailer,
it's easy to send network
news and magazines, account
statements, reports,
statistics, bills to your
customer and real-time track
the results. Hope Mailer is
receiving customer
appreciations from all over.

Date: Oct, 27 2004

Date: Feb, 27 2004

Date: Sep, 06 2005

Date: Dec, 21 2004
Hope Mailer is a 32-bit
Send HTML email messages to
HTML Quick Edit Bar is a
I-CON Marketer was developed
professional personalized
one or more contacts.
freeware toolbar for
as an alternative solution
email marketing, publishing
Manage all your contacts,
Microsoft Internet Explorer
to the increasing difficulty
and tracking service
emails, etc with this free
that allows you to edit the
of publishing and
provider software for
current HTML page within the
distributing messages by
browser itself (change the
e-mail. As more e-mail
98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP. At
font color, size and face,
messages get blocked,
present time, Hope Mailer is
text alignment, etc.). Once
filtered, and lost in
being widely used in domains
edited, HTML Quick Edit Bar
overflowing inboxes full of
such as domestic online
allows you to upload
spam Spam is a nickname for
marketing research,
the modified page to your
unsolicited commercial
newsletter, customer
web site via FTP. Another
e-mail. In 2004, spam
relationship management
feature allows you to
accounts for an estimated
(CRM), e-mail permit
examine and manipulate the
60% of all e-mail messages
marketing, direct mailing
HTML tree of the current
sent., publishers and
service, and collaborative
marketers have been looking
working etc. By Hope Mailer,
for a secure alternative
it's easy to send network
method to deliver
news and magazines, account
newsletters, promotions, and
statements, reports,
information directly to
statistics, bills to your
recipients. I-CON Marketer
customer and real-time track
addresses the increasing
the results. Hope Mailer is
shortcomings of e-mail
receiving customer
communication by using the
appreciations from all over.
latest online communications
technology to deliver
messages directly to your
contacts Your
"contacts" are the
people who download and use
your custom I-CON Reader
application to receive and
view your messages on your
computers. This
technology gives you a
private, professional
communication channel
between you and your
contacts -- while completely
excluding your
competition. I-CON
Marketer gives you the power
to send rich HTML HTML
stands for "Hypertext
Markup Language," the
original authoring language
used to create documents on
the World Wide Web documents
with active links and full
color. Unlike e-mail
messages, which must be
"linked" to a web
page in order to display
documents, I-CON Marketer
messages are delivered in a
single, complete file --
meaning that your contacts
always see your full message
with no broken links, even
if their computer is not
connected to the Internet.

Date: Dec, 21 2004

Date: Jul, 14 2006

Date: Mar, 01 2005

Date: May, 23 2005
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