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Communication Tools


Mail.dll component for .NET

Hits: 750


Hits: 192

MAPILab Groupware Server

Hits: 334
.NET component for sending
Now that I've been using the
MantaRay is an Open Source
This product is intended to
and receiving email
new Mailloop 6.0 software
serverless messaging
be used with an office local
messages. Includes POP3 and
for a couple of weeks, I
toolkit, based on
area network and is
SMTP clients with SSL
thought I should share some
peer-2-peer technology, 100%
developed according to
support. Written entirely
of my impressions with
pure Java, supports JMS 1.1
client-server technology.
in managed code in C#.
everyone about whether or
and 1.02, and integrates
Product provides real-time
not it lives up to the
with WebLogic and WebSphere.
access to shared message
features: automatic email
promises that Corey Rudl
It provides guaranteed
folders stored on the
parsing when fetched from
makes about it on his web
message delivery, security,
server. From a cliental
POP3 server, including:
site. Could it really be
and supports transactions.
point of view, folders on
From, Sender, Reply-to, To,
that easy to use? Would it
MAPILab Groupware Server
Cc fields, Subject field,
really simplify my business
look and behave exactly the
Date field, access to every
and save me time? Would it
same as folders on Microsoft
custom header of every mime
really help me make more
Exchange Server: the moment
entity, attachment
money? I was determined to
someone creates a new note
find out! The first
in the folder, you will see
automatic charset
thing that impressed me was
it at your place.
recognition, secure login
how easy the program was to
(APOP command support),
install and set up. Since
getting header information
I'm no computer genius, I am
only (TOP command
always relieved when things
support). With examples in
work right the first time!
C# and VB.NET, with
And once I started actually
InteliSense support.
using the program, I have to
MailMessage class
say that I was blown away at
representing real email
how simple everything is.
(There are even about 10
SimpleMailMessage class
providing simple and easy
"Wizards" that
access to email message.
walk you through the more
It's free for noncommercial
technical areas of getting
things set up.) The
feature I was most excited
about was the unlimited
sequential autoresponders,
so I decided to set those up
first. Now, I always expect
a few glitches as I'm
learning to use a new
program, but Mailloop 6.0
made the whole process
"goof-proof." I
was thrilled when I tested
out my first
autoresponder... and
discovered that it worked

Date: Aug, 02 2006

Date: Jun, 27 2005

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Mar, 03 2006
MAPILab Share`n`Sync is
Send bulk and personalize
MeetingSense™ is desktop
SMS Sender is an add-on for
designed to solve two tasks:
emails with attached files
software that dramatically
Microsoft Windows XP that
synchronizing Outlook
and more option to your
improves meeting
will create and send SMS
folders on several computers
customers and contacs.
productivity by empowering
(text messages) by using
and organizing shared access
define priority and reading
individuals to capture,
your GSM cellular phone. It
to Microsoft Outlook folders
confirmation. Easy to use
distribute, archive, and
also allows the use of all
for small companies. The
and practical. Try it !
manage all information
characters from
product supports all types
associated with meetings,
international alphabets.
of Microsoft Outlook folders
while allowing users to
and items: email messages,
easily assign and track
contacts, notes, calendar,
action items. MeetingSense
allows business users to
maximize their return on
investment in meeting time
by ensuring that each
meeting is leveraged
directly into productive

Date: Oct, 31 2005

Date: Jun, 09 2005

Date: Sep, 15 2006

Date: Sep, 08 2003
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