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Java & JavaScript



Hits: 303

Deluxe Menu

Hits: 784

Deluxe Menus

Hits: 82

Deluxe Tabs

Hits: 1198
Cube-U v1.0 is an easy-to-use
Deluxe Menu is a ready-made,
Deluxe Menus is a ready-made,
Deluxe Tabs is a ready-made,
and completely customizable
professional solution that
professional solutions that
professional solution that
preview-type menu system
allows webmasters to create
allow webmasters to create
allows webmasters to create
that includes custom cursor
superior, cross-browser,
superior, cross-browser,
superior, cross-browser,
support, support for special
fast web menus.
fast web menus.
fast web menus.
effects and a variety of
Easy-to-setup, search engine
Easy-to-setup, search engine
Easy-to-setup, individual
border styles.
friendly, cross-frame, cool
friendly, cross-frame, cool
styles for the items,
styles, supports css,
styles, supports css,
supports css, floating,
floating, drag-n-drop,
floating, drag-n-drop,
separators and more...
separators and more...
separators and more...

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: Mar, 12 2006

Date: Jan, 29 2007

Date: Jan, 29 2007
Deluxe Tree is a search
Deluxe Menu is a ready-made,
DevMansion JavaScript Menu
With this program you can add
engine friendly, attractive,
professional solution that
Builder is a WYSIWYG,
a DHTML drop down menu to
and versatile way to help
allows webmasters to create
lightweight, easy-to-use and
your web site within a few
webmasters to create
superior, cross-browser,
easy-to-learn tool focused
minutes. The program comes
superior, cross-browser,
fast web menus.
exclusively on client side
with tons of predefined
fast web menus.
Easy-to-setup, search engine
JavaScript menus creation.
designs and supports easy
Easy-to-setup, animation
friendly, cross-frame.
Inside, you will find
integration with existing
effects for submenus,
Create an effective web site
everything you need to
web sites.
supports css, floating,
navigation with Deluxe Tuner
create Your javascript menus.
drag-n-drop, separators and

Date: Jan, 29 2007

Date: Dec, 08 2006

Date: Mar, 10 2006

Date: Mar, 16 2006
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