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Java & JavaScript


Mandrixx Java Slideshow

Hits: 293


Hits: 378
Automatically creates PNG,
MJS is a fully parametrable
Menu-Bar v1.0 is an
MoneyToys Closing Costs
JPG and GIF image files for
java slideshow applet. Runs
easy-to-use and completely
Calculator gives webmasters
captioned buttons; along
in the middle of a web page,
customizable horizontal
a simple way to add a
with sample HTML; and
window or fullscreen, with
navigation menu with custom
mortgage closing costs
optional javascript code to
crossfading, realtime color
cursor support, support for
calculator to real estate
pop up different images as
filters, easy setup,
special effects and 9
web sites. Easily installed
your mouse passes over or
advanced features. MJS is a
different border styles.
with a few lines of HTML and
clicks each button. All
great improvement for your
MoneyToys(tm) Closing Costs
without ever using a paint
web site !

Date: Jun, 16 2006

Date: May, 12 2006

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: Jan, 16 2007
Loan Comparison Calculator
This Biweekly Payment
MoneyToys Discounted Cash
This Down Payment Calculator
lets webmasters add instant
Calculator for web sites
Flows Calculator is easily
for web sites lets you
interactivity to a web site
lets webmasters instantly
installed on web sites to
instantly add interactivity
so users can simultaneously
add interactivity to their
allow visitors to calculate
to your real estate web site
compares up to 4 different
web site giving users an
the net present value of a
giving visitors an
loan scenarios. Easily
easy-to-use financial
series of cash flows.
easy-to-use financial
installed with a few lines
calculator which lets
Installation instructions
calculator which lets them
of HTML and the MoneyToys
visitors do their financial
require only a few lines of
do their financial math
Loan Comparison Calculator.
math without leaving your
HTML and the MoneyToys
without leaving your web
web site.

Date: Jan, 16 2007

Date: Jan, 14 2007

Date: Jan, 02 2007

Date: Feb, 11 2007
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