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HTML Tools


Web Builder Deluxe

Hits: 93

Web Button Menu Maker

Hits: 94

Web Cal Plus

Hits: 961

Web Calendar Pad

Hits: 161
Web Builder Deluxe is a
Create professional xp, mac,
Web Cal Plus is an HTML
Website calendar maker
desktop database management
glassy, metallic and
Calendar Generation system.
generates calendars visitors
tool with web publishing and
colorful web buttons and
Simply enter your events and
can view, print and read
web database management
DHTML pop-up menus in just a
Web Cal Plus will generate
with RSS reader. Organize
capabilities. HTML wizard:
few clicks!
the HTML code. Attractive
your life and keep your
converts your databases to
multi-color calendars
company, school or church
static HTML pages. Web dB
including 12-month year
informed of upcoming events.
Server Integration: you can
calendars, single month and
Ideal for students, coaches,
manage your databases on the
daily calendars. Lunar
and teachers to keep online

Date: Jan, 09 2007

Date: Jan, 15 2006

Date: Jan, 15 2007

Date: Mar, 03 2007
Secretly protect web text
The only web authoring tool
Web Easy® Pro Express free
Allows you to easily make the
content from theft with
that gives you advanced
web design software is all
forms on your website work.
hidden information.Secretly
visual effects without any
you need to create exciting
There is absolutely no need
leave your 'Mark" on any
programming or plug-in.
professional Web sites.
for programming, installing
HTML web page or site,
Customize a model with 3D
Equipped with a library of
CGI scripts, or editing
Blogs, RSS feeds, Unicode
visual effects (frames,
website templates, WebEasy
HTML code. Powerful
text and more! Get the legal
partial transparency, drop
is the ultimate WSYWYG HTML
processing will email form
tools you need to pursue and
shadows+) and interactivity
editor. Create a custom web
results, send autoresponders
stamp out illegal use of
(menus, buttons, forms,
site using drag-and-drop.
and more!
your content!
password areas+).

Date: Oct, 28 2005

Date: Apr, 15 2005

Date: Aug, 20 2005

Date: Jul, 06 2006
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