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HTML Tools


DzSoft WebPad

Hits: 591

Easy Blogs

Hits: 898

Easy Color Picker

Hits: 106

Easy HTML Construction Kit

Hits: 766
DzSoft WebPad is an
Easy Blogs allow anyone to
Easy Color Picker can pick
This program includes an
extensible HTML editor with
write and publish his or her
any color you need on the
interactive TABLE generator
PHP and ASP syntax
very own blog or journal.
screen and display the color
which handles COLSPAN and
highlighting. Features
Simple enough for the
code in several formats! It
ROWSPAN, and provides an
one-click preview in
non-technical, and yet with
is very helpful for you to
easy way to create HTML code
built-in browser, HTML Tidy
enough extra features to
design or program!
from lists and tables in
tool from the World Wide Web
please the demanding too.
textfiles, and to convert
Consortium to format and
Use one of the many included
data in textfiles to
cleanup your HTML code and
web-site templates or design
finished HTML documents.
much more.
your own.

Date: Feb, 12 2002

Date: Mar, 23 2006

Date: Nov, 10 2004

Date: Dec, 19 2006
Easy HTML To Any Script
Creates configurable HTML and
Easy RSS Content Generator is
Easy Text To HTML Converter
Converter provides fast and
HHC files of Contents for
an easy-to-use program for
provides fast and easy
easy conversion of HTML
any files types, which can
creating new unique content
conversion of Text Files and
Files and HTML Blocks to any
be used in CHM (HTMLHelp)
out of news feeds (the RSS,
Text Blocks pasted from
Script. Also you can use it
and eBooks, as DataCD menu,
Atom, and RDF formats are
Clipboard to HTML. The
for encrypting the email
as sitemap of your website
conversion is being
addresses with JavaScript
with access to HTML pages,
performed in four different
for preventing any access to
graphics, media files,
modes: 'Single File', 'Files
them by spam-bots.
shared documents,
List', 'Text Block' and
applications etc.
'Table to HTML'.

Date: Sep, 30 2006

Date: Mar, 17 2006

Date: Apr, 19 2007

Date: Sep, 30 2006
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