
popular collection of scripts for all

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HTML Tools


PDFapps Convert PDF to HTML

Hits: 395

Web Sergeant

Hits: 750

Html Password Pro

Hits: 94

Scripts Encryptor (ScrEnc)

Hits: 382
Using PDFs on your website
Build web menus that will
It is a program which
Scripts Encryptor is a handy
can negatively affect users'
work in almost any browser
protects all your Web pages
utility to scramble
opinion of your business and
under any circomstances. Web
with passwords. It provide
(obfuscate) HTML,
encourage them to seek the
Sergeant assembles pure CSS
three layers encryption to
information they need at
menus to your requirements
your html pages, it also
C/C++/MFC code. Use it to
other, user-friendly
that are scriptless and need
provide Multi-Pages protect,
protect your online content
sites. Convert your PDFs
no plug-ins to function. Web
visitor browse all locked
from unauthorized copying,
into easy HTML using this
Sergeant also generates
pages just need login once.
reverse engineering and from
powerful and versatile
keywords and descriptions.
webbots collecting email
addresses and personal data.

Date: May, 08 2005

Date: May, 05 2005

Date: Apr, 27 2005

Date: Apr, 22 2005
Free Web Buttons helps you
The only web authoring tool
Windows has an annoying habit
An advanced Web Form Builder
create cool web buttons and
that gives you advanced
of not letting you rename
that allows you to create
menus with ease. FREE!
visual effects without any
many of the icons on your
HTML Forms quickly and
programming or plug-in.
desktop. With this free
easily. You can create an
Customize a model with 3D
little application tweak the
unlimited number of forms
visual effects (frames,
ui quickly and easily.
with any number of
partial transparency, drop
radio-buttons, checkboxes,
shadows+) and interactivity
pull-down menus, text areas,
(menus, buttons, forms,
etc. It supports form
password areas+).

Date: Apr, 17 2005

Date: Apr, 15 2005

Date: Apr, 13 2005

Date: Mar, 28 2005
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