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HTML Tools


123 Excel to HTML Converter

Hits: 98

Frutty Bar

Hits: 110

Wimpy Button

Hits: 758

Wimpy Wasp

Hits: 877
123 Excel to HTML Converter
FruttyBar is a most
Wimpy Button is a quick and
An efficient, simple and fast
is a batch html converter
convenient tool for web
painless way to add a single
solution for putting Flash
that Convert Excel to HTML.
developers, implemented as
sound to your web page.
video wherever you want on
It can convert a lot of
an Internet Explorer
Wimpy Button does not
your website.Wasp allows you
excel xls files to html
plugin. Highlight tables,
require any kind of back-end
to present and play Flash
files once time for saving
block elements, headers,
server-side scripting...
using just HTMl and Flash.
your time!
turn off CSS, view layer and
just standard old HTML.
frame data, etc. - with a
single mouse click!

Date: Jul, 15 2006

Date: Jul, 15 2006

Date: Jul, 14 2006

Date: Jul, 14 2006
An audio and video jukebox
Mergemill is a web
Allows you to easily make the
FormBreeze allows you to
you can include anywhere on
development and database
forms on your website work.
easily make the forms on
your website. Wimpy AV will
tool. It merges web
There is absolutely no need
your website work. There is
automatically present and
templates with content
for programming, installing
absolutely no need
play an entire folder full
source to build websites.
CGI scripts, or editing
for programming, installing
of FLV, SWF and MP3
Source contents may come
HTML code. Powerful
CGI scripts, or editing
mediadirectly in an HTML
from any database that can
processing will email form
HTML code. Powerful
export data in XML, Merge or
results, send autoresponders
processing will email form
tab-separated text format.
and more!
results, send autoresponders
and more!

Date: Jul, 14 2006

Date: Jul, 12 2006

Date: Jul, 06 2006

Date: Jul, 06 2006
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