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Flash Tools


CoffeeCup Flash Menu Builder

Hits: 651

CoffeeCup Flash Website Font

Hits: 223

CoffeeCup Web Calendar

Hits: 80

Compress SWF

Hits: 329
CoffeeCup Flash Menu Builder
Just choose any Font you want
Now you can add a cool Flash
Lets you compress your SWF
is a quick and easy way to
and it will be rendered as
Calendar to your Website and
files with all the vectors,
create awesome looking flash
text regardless if the
highlight your events,
shapes, morphing, Z-buffer,
menus for your Website. Menu
visitor has the font on
meetings or holidays. Add
fonts, curves,
builder includes dozens of
their computer or not.
descriptions of your special
zero-objects, Zlib and
high quality buttons,
Website Fonts can be seen
days and times and they will
ActionScripts up to 80%. You
backgrounds and sounds.
and indexed by search
appear when someone clicks a
can cutomize every
engines too! You don't have
date. No HTML experience is
optimization parameter to
to use images to have nice
reach the optimum
quality-lossless compression

Date: Feb, 28 2007

Date: Feb, 28 2007

Date: Feb, 28 2007

Date: May, 24 2004
68 Unique Vector graphic FLA
179 Unique Vector graphic FLA
Flash navigation system for
142 Unique Vector graphic FLA
Files Editable FLA files
Files Editable FLA files
web sites. Can be easy
Files Editable FLA files
Eye catching colors Give
Eye catching colors Give
configured with a text
Eye catching colors Give
a unique look to your
a unique look to your
editor, all you need to do
a unique look to your
is upload menu.swf and
projects. Specifically
projects. All-purpose
menu.xml, then open menu.xml
projects. Contains images
designed for software that
collection of images and
with a text editor like
designed specifically for
needs to display an icon of
notepad and change the
database applications .
a particular Windows control
values for button text, url
and more.
to open, etc.

Date: Jan, 30 2007

Date: Jan, 30 2007

Date: May, 17 2006

Date: Jan, 30 2007
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