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Flash Tools


Spain Online Map Locator

Hits: 937

SWF Compressor-Decompressor

Hits: 99

SWF Movie Player for Mac

Hits: 99
Spain Online Map Locator 1.0.
Supreme4 Components. More
SWF Movie Player is a free
Special visual effect.
then 200 customizable Flash
packs and unpacks SWF files
small flash player designed
Features: - Color, URL
Text Effects components /
without loss of the
for Mac OS. Based on the
linking, captions and more;
plugins for Macromedia Flash
Macromedia Flash player it
- Online map for websites; -
MX software. Animate your
has unique features that
Ease of Use; -
fonts, letters or text
allow you to create and
Customizations via an XML
directly in Flash.
manage playlists, zoom the
file; www.fla-shop.com
movie window, set playback
quality and Flash security

Date: Oct, 13 2006

Date: May, 01 2004

Date: Jan, 05 2006

Date: Dec, 23 2005
With SWF Picture Extractor,
SWF Protect Remover removes
SWF to FLA Converter for Mac
SWFText is an author tool of
you can easily: *
protection (with and without
converts Macromedia Flash
Flash text animation. It
look through all the images
a password) on looking
files back into FLA format
embraces 160+ text effects
in the SWF files; *
through and editing of the
in one click. Features over
and 40+ background effects,
save one or all of them.
file in the Macromedia Flash
50 options to extract
and users may also customize
sounds, images, videos,
all the properties of a
shapes, frames, morphs,
Flash, including font, text
texts, buttons, sprites and
color, and layout, etc.
ActionScripts and convert
them to FLA.

Date: Aug, 09 2006

Date: Jan, 05 2006

Date: Sep, 30 2005

Date: Mar, 08 2007
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