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PHTML Encoder

Hits: 516

Feed2Html Free PHP Script

Hits: 83


Hits: 420
The PHTML Encoder allows
Feed2Html is a free PHP
Auto website design,
Pixel Advertising is the term
encoding PHP scripts before
script that converts data
dealership classifieds
given to visual
distributing them. The
from RSS to HTML. If you
website software is a
advertisements on the web
script code is encrypted
already have an RSS feed,
professional online
which have their cost
before saving. The PHTML
just install this script to
application that was built
calculated dependent on the
Encoder includes console and
your site. You will be
with dealers in mind. Our
number of pixels which they
GUI versions of converter.
amazed how convenient it
software is often used for
It is possible to combine
will become to publish news.
running a online Car Site,
dealership or classifieds
scripts in one site.
for Autos, boats, RV's and

Date: Jan, 08 2007

Date: Jan, 03 2007

Date: Jan, 01 2007

Date: Dec, 17 2006
Powerful, quick and
Complete all-in-one web code
Zend Studio is the only
Zend Studio is the only
sophisticated PHP editor
editor for all your web
Integrated Development
Integrated Development
with utf-8 support. You can
document editing needs. Edit
Environment (IDE) available
Environment (IDE) available
instantly create and edit
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP,
for professional developers
for professional developers
not only PHP, but also HTML,
ASP, Perl within single
that encompasses all the
that encompasses all the
CSS and JavaScript code.
program. Clean interface,
development components
development components
Integrated tools allow you
quick startup, true
necessary for the full PHP
necessary for the full PHP
to easily validate, reuse,
flexibility and powerful
application lifecycle.
application lifecycle.
navigate and format your
features enable you to do
more in less time.

Date: Dec, 10 2006

Date: Dec, 10 2006

Date: Dec, 06 2006

Date: Dec, 06 2006
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