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phpSHIELD PHP Encoder

Hits: 430


Hits: 401


Hits: 399
With dbQwikReport OnTime
phpSHIELD protects your PHP
ASP component to save file
ASP component to resize JPEG
Designer Pack you can easily
Source Code with a powerful,
uploads. Files can be saved
images. Images can be saved
design reports that run on
easy to use encoder, which
to disk or exported as
to disk or streamed to the
your web site, in your
creates a native bytecode
binary data for use by a
browser. Functionality
office or on your PC. View
version of the script and
database or other component.
includes rotate, crop and
the reports in any standard
then encrypts it.
Functions are available to
flip, adjust compression and
web browser. Create both
read form variables. Free
DPI, convert to greyscale.
internative and batch
Converts images from CMYK
format. Free trial.

Date: May, 14 2005

Date: May, 01 2005

Date: Apr, 26 2005

Date: Apr, 26 2005
Simple web reports, simply.
Small and efficient PHP
PHP Form Wizard is a handy
MSCCrypto includes collection
With dbQwikReport you can
script to process an HTML
tool creates a custom PHP
of the best encryption and
easily design reports that
web form and send the
script to process any form,
hashing algorithms: RSA,
run on your web site. The
information in an e-mail
it validates your form
AES, Blowfish, Twofish, MD5,
easy to use wizard will have
message to a predefined
,uploads files, sends all
SHA1 and 32-bit CRC
you making reports in
submitted data your email,
checksum. Includes
seconds complete with
stores them on your server
PGP/OpenPGP compatible
grouping and totals. It
in an Excel compatible .csv
generates all your code for
text file or in a MySQL
you in ASP or PHP

Date: Apr, 14 2005

Date: Apr, 02 2005

Date: Apr, 01 2005

Date: Mar, 03 2005
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