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/** Search */

Text & Document Editors


Ferrite Platform

Hits: 75


Hits: 404


Hits: 97
Tool for automating text
Search and replace multiple
Flattener is a useful
Foretype accelerates text
manipulation, conversion and
occurrences of text in many
software that allows
input by analyzing what you
data extraction. Easy-to-use
files. Load the files you
extraneous interactive
are typing and predicting
filters for common tasks
want to search into the
elements, such as bookmarks
what you will most likely
including adding/removing
program and provide the text
and movies, plus any
write next. Foretype's guess
margins, headers, regular
to find and the text to
unwanted mark-up, to be
is shown as a tooltip, which
expression search/replace,
replace. The replacing is
removed from your PDF files.
can be inserted by pressing
etc. Manipulate tabular
done quickly as a batch.
It can also be used to
either the TAB or ENTER keys.
data, export in XML/CSV
flatten remaining mark-up
format, etc.
and interactive elements.

Date: Aug, 10 2005

Date: May, 27 2006

Date: Apr, 01 2005

Date: May, 09 2005
A powerful utility to
A binary file comparison and
Hex Editor Software - Binary
HexDataEdit is a tool to view
automate the task of finding
hex editor. Help you to
and Hex file editing tool
and edit hex binary data
and replacing words or
compare files in binary
for Windows with
file. You can view and edit
phases in text files. You
format, serving as a hex
Multi-Window, Multi-Document
binary data in every type
can use this utility with
editor. Allow compare two
Interface, Text Viewer,
such as Byte, Integer,
folders and or individual
files and find every
Advanced Search and Replace
Float, String etc. This is
text files.
different easily.Save
features. Edit your Exe
strongly Available in binary
comparison to file. Find
Code, Hex Dump, Avi, Mpeg,
data file. You can use it as
synchronous position by
Jpeg and other files with
data debug.
double click [ exeicon.com ].
HHD HexEditor.

Date: Dec, 03 2005

Date: Feb, 19 2007

Date: Oct, 13 2005

Date: Jan, 14 2007
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