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/** Search */

Text & Document Editors



Hits: 1129


Hits: 406


Hits: 412


Hits: 414
ScriptMaker helps you
Acrobat has various in-built
SLang helps you develop a
Mit SlickType haben Sie per
develop, write and maintain
security features
story by breaking it down
Knopfdruck bequemen und
your screenplay and format
controlling access to PDF
into "Events". You can tell
direkten Zugriff auf über
it to professional
documents. Mapsoft
SLang which event depend on
150.000 Vokabeln, 30.000
standards. It encourages
SecuritySetter allows you to
which others by using
Synonmye und vieles mehr -
annotation, which is used to
set these security features.
"dependancy rules". SLang
egal mit welcher Anwendung
navigate the script either
can use this information to
Sie arbeiten.
via a tree structure or
order events or to analyse
"virtual index cards".
individual "threads" within
your story.

Date: Mar, 31 2006

Date: Apr, 01 2005

Date: Oct, 30 2006

Date: Nov, 09 2006
SmEdit is a compact text
This program will sort the
Split text or HTML files into
Stampa Reports System is a
editor that packs far more
content of your files in
smaller files by number of
professional solution for
features than its size
alphabetical order. Choose
lines or by character
quick and easy generation of
suggests. Due to its
to sort by the first
configurable design, it can
characters of each line or
reports. Create
be as basic or as featured
each word found in the file.
easy-embeddable reports
as you want. This makes
This is good if you need to
ready to be called from
SmEdit an extremely quick
sort names.
within your .NET application
loading and flexible editor
and filled with appropriate
for most tasks.
display data.

Date: Feb, 20 2006

Date: Jun, 11 2006

Date: Mar, 10 2007

Date: Mar, 20 2007
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