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File & Disk Management


Print Maestro

Hits: 118

PrintDisc Pro

Hits: 81

PrintFolder Pro

Hits: 388

Private Room

Hits: 381
PrintMaestro - for print the
Is your data CD/DVD backup
Using Windows Explorer,
own private data-space,
folders tree and folders
library getting out of
printing a list of files is
protect folder or files
content easily. All done by
control? PrintDisc Pro will
hard work. In fact, it's
password easily,open on any
an intuitive, graphical,
automatically print all the
almost impossible.
pc. Let you own a private
view and click interface.
folders and files contained
PrintFolder Pro is a fast
data-space. you can open it
All done by an intuitive,
on your data discs. It also
and efficient utility that
on any PC at any time!
graphical, view and click
enters every file into a
lets you print a list of
Keep you private
searchable Microsoft Access
files in any folder (and in
data base file.
its subfolders, too, if you
secret, Transfer data
safely and conveniently.

Date: Nov, 07 2005

Date: Jun, 22 2005

Date: Nov, 16 2004

Date: Jan, 22 2006
Powerful tool for multiple
ProstoDiskCleaner is a quick
Enforce corporate Email
Reduces Microsoft Outlook PST
files renaming. Its user
and convenient computer
Policies on Outlook PST
file sizes up 38% across the
friendly and intuitive
cleaner utility that allows
files and comply with audit
Corporate network. Compress
interface allows you to
to clean disk from the trash
/ content retrieval
& zip attachments,
rename files easily. Unique
and temporary files, remove
requirements. Powerful
automate compaction, etc.
visual templates system will
unnecessary programs and get
reporting, archiving and
Suitable for management and
helpfully assist you in
rid of duplicates in a
content management
implementation of Enterprise
renaming. All changes on new
matter of seconds and a few
capabilities plus compress
Email Policies. No Exchange
name immediately appear in
mouse clicks
old email, zip attachments,
changes or dependancy
the file list.
force PST file compaction etc

Date: May, 03 2006

Date: Mar, 03 2007

Date: Aug, 23 2005

Date: Jul, 01 2006
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