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/** Search */

File & Disk Management



Hits: 395


Hits: 397


Hits: 443


Hits: 78
FileHawk is different from
Filehunter finds files,
File Modified Monitor is an
FileMonkey automates common
other desktop search
search files,search results,
easy to use utility that
time consuming file
software, it also manages
search zip files, regular
will inform you about
operations. FileMonkey can
files in your computer,
expressions, explore, view
modified files via email.
copy, move, split, search,
removable devices (e.g.
files, display search
It's a non memory resident
replace, rename, alter case,
CD/DVDs, flash memory) and
strings, match text
command line application
list or delete duplicates,
network. FileHawk is
,multiple text, uses files
that can be typically used
trim, truncate, crop, chop,
designed to organize your
extensions & dates,
to monitor file
set attributes, encypt,
documents in a way that
files size, text, attributes
modifications on unattended
decrypt, wipe, delete,
makes sense to you.
& case sensitive,
extract and more.

Date: Jul, 01 2006

Date: Oct, 27 2004

Date: Apr, 16 2006

Date: Dec, 31 2006
Whether you have a few or
Allows you to preview
FILERECOVERY is a safe and
Data Recovery Products are
thousands of files to
documents, HTML-pages,
affordable do-it-yourself
designed for serious
rename, FileName Pro can
images and other files
data recovery solution that
recovery from catastrophic
rename your files in
within Windows Explorer. You
is designed to recover
file system failure,
seconds. Files can be named
don't need to launch any
deleted files from media
accidental formats or
based on any number of file
other application to view
such as Hard Drives, Floppy
naming schemes you can
files. When you select a
Drives, SmartMedia,
Professional can recover
configure such as ID3 tags
file in Windows Explorer you
CompactFlash, and Memory
files and data from Hard
and EXIF metadata. Includes
will see its content on the
Disk Drives and RAIDS
FP band
(hardware or software),

Date: Feb, 12 2007

Date: Dec, 15 2004

Date: Apr, 03 2005

Date: Apr, 03 2005
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